Medical Terms Chapter 7

  1. Testicles
    Parimary male sex organs, paired, oval-shaped, and enclosed in a sac called the scrotum. The testes produce spermatozoa, (sperm cells) and the hormone testosterone.
  2. Sperm (Spermatozoon, spermatozoa)
    The microscopic male germ cell, which, when united with the ovum, produces a zygote (fertilized egg) that with subsequent developement becomes an embryo.
  3. Testosterone
    The principle male sex hormone. Its cheif function is to stimulate the developement of male reproductive organs and sexondary sex chararteristics
  4. Seminiferous tubules
    Approsimately 900 coiled tubes within the testes in which spermatogenesis occurs.
  5. Epididymis
    Coiled duct atop each of the testes that provides for storage transit nad maturation of spermatozoa; continuous with the vas derens.
  6. Vas deferns, ductus deferns, or seminal duct
    The duct carrying the sperm from the eipidiymis to the urethra, Ther spermatic cord encolses each vas deferns with nerves, lymphatics, arteries and veins. Tje urethra also connects with the urinary bladder and carries urine outside the body. A circular muscle constricts during inter course to prevent urinations
  7. Seminal Vesicles
    Two main clands located at the base of the bladder that open into the bas degerens the glands secrete a thick fluid which forms part of the semen
  8. Prostate Gland.
    • Encircle sthe upper end of the urethra, The prostate gland secretes a
    • fluid that aids in the movement of sperm and ejaculation.
  9. Scrotum
    Sac suspends on both sides of and just behind the penis. The testes are enclosed in the scrotum
  10. Penis
    Male sex organ of urination and copulation (intercourse)
  11. Glans penis
    enlarged tip on the end of the penis
  12. Prepuse
    Fold of skin covering the glans penis in uncircumcised males.
  13. Semen
    Composed of sperm, seminal fluid, and other secretions
  14. Genitalia (Genitals)
    Reproductive organs (male of female)
  15. Balan/o
    glans penis
  16. epididym/o
  17. Orchid/o, orchi/o, orch/o, test/o
    testis, testicles
  18. Prostat/o
    Prostate gland
  19. Vas'o
  20. Vesicul/o
    seminal vesicle
  21. andro/o
  22. sperm/o, spermato/o
    sprematozoon (pl. Spermatozoa), sperm
  23. -ism
    state of
  24. anorchism
    state of absence of testicles (unilateral or bilateral)
  25. balanitis
    The inflamation of the glans penis ( tip of the penis )
  26. balanorrhea
    Discharge from the tip of the penis of glans penis
  27. benign prostatic hyperplasia
    (BPH) excessive developement pertaining to the prostate gland ( nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate)
  28. cryptorchisidism
    State of hidden testes. (during fetal developement, testes are located in the abdominal area near hte kidneys. Before birth they move down into the scortal sac. Failure of the tests to descend before birth results in cryptorchidism or undescended testicles.
  29. epididymitits
    Inflamation of the epididymis
  30. orchiepididymitis
    Inflammation of the epididymis and the testes
  31. Orchitis, orchiditis, testitits
    Inflammation of the testes
  32. Prostatocystitis
    Inflammation of the prostate gland in the bladder (cyst/o = bladder)
  33. Prostatolith
    (stone in the prostate gland)
  34. Prostatorrhea
    Discharge from the prostate gland
  35. Prostatovesiculitits
    Inflammation of the prostate and the seminal vesicels (two main glands at th base of the bladdar that open in the vas deferens).
  36. Erectile dysfunction (ED)
    the inability of the male to attain or maintain an erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse ( formerly called impotence)
  37. hydrocele
    Scrotal swelling caused by a collection of fluid
  38. phimosis
    a tightness of prepuse (forskin of the penis) that prevents its retraction over the glans penis. it mat be congenital or a result of balanitits (inflammation of the glans penis) circumcision is the usual treatment.
  39. priapism
    persistent abnormal erection of the penis accompanied by pain and tenderness.
  40. Prostate Cancer
    Cancer of the prostate gland
  41. Testicular carcinoma
    Cancer of the testicles
  42. testicular torsion
    Twisting of the spermatic cord causing decreased blood flow to the testis; occurs most often during puberty and often presents with a sudden onset of sever testicular or scortal pain. Because of the lack of blood flow to the testis, it is often considered a surgical emergency.
  43. Vericocele
    Enlarged veins of the spermatic cord.
  44. balanoplasty
    surgical repair of teh glans penis
  45. epididdymectomy
    excision of an epididymis
  46. orchidectomy, orchiectomy
    excision of the testes o testicles (castration)
  47. Orchidopexy, orchiopexy
    Surgical fixation of the testicles (perform to bring undescended testicles into the scrotum) Pexy=fixation
  48. Orchidotomy, orchiotomy
    Incision into the testis
  49. Orchioplasty
    Surgical repair of the testis
  50. Prostatectomy
    excision of the prostate gland
  51. Prostatocytotomy
    Incision into the prostate and bladder
  52. Prostatolithotomy
    Incision into the prostate gland to remove a stone
  53. Prostatovesiculectomy
    Excision of the prostate and the seminal vesicle (two main glands at the base of the penis)
  54. Vasectomy
    Excision of a duct (partial excision of the vas deferens bilaterally resulting in male sterilization
  55. Vasovasostomy
    Making in artificial opening between ducts. ( The severed ends of the vas deferens are reconnected in an attemt to restore fertility in men who had vasectomy)
  56. Vesiculoectomy
    Excision of the seminal vesicles
  57. Circumcision
    surgical removal of the prepuce
  58. Hydrocelectomy
    Surgical removal of a hydrocele
  59. Radical prostatectomy
    Escision of the prostate gland with its capsule, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and seomtimes pelvic lymph nodes.
  60. suprapubic prostatectomy
    Excision of the prostate galnd through an abdominal incision make above the pubic bone and through an incision in the bladder.
  61. Tranurethral incision of the prostate gland (TUIP)
    A surgical procedure that widens the urethra by making a few small incisions in the bladder neck and the prostate gland. NO prostate tissue is removed. TUIP may be used instead of TURP when the prostate gland is less enlarged.
  62. Tranurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT)
    A treatment that eliminates excess tissue present in benign prostatic hyperplasia by using heat generated by microwave.
  63. Transurethral resection of the prostate glan (TURP)
    Successive pieces of the prostate gland tissue are resected by using resectoscope inserted through the urethra. The capsule is left intact; usually performed when the enlarged prostate gland interferes with urination
  64. Diagnostic imaging
    An ultrasound procedure used to diagnose prostate cancer.
  65. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
    A blood test that measures the level of porstate-specific antigen in the blood. Elevated test results may indicate the presence of prostate cancer of excess prostate tissue
  66. digital rectal examination (DRE)
    A physical examination in which the physician inserts a finger into the rectum and feels the size and shape of the prostate for BPH
  67. andropathy
    disease of the male (specific to male, like problem with the testes)
  68. aspermia
    condition of without sperm (or semen of ejaculation)
  69. Oligospermia
    Condition of scanty sperm (oligo=scanty)
  70. spermatolysis
    dissolution of sperm (destruction of sperm)
  71. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS
    A dicease that affects the bod'y immune system, transmitted by exchange of body fluid during secual act, reuse of contaminated needles, or recieveing contaminated blood transfusion
  72. Artificial insemination
    Introduction of semen into the vagina by artificial menas
  73. Chlamydia
    A sexually transmitted disease, sometimes referred to as a silent STD because many people are not aware they have the disease. Symptons that occur when the disease becomes serious are painful unrination and descharge from the penis in males and genital intching, vaginal discharge and bleeding in females. cause by C. trachomatis
  74. coitus
    sexual intercourse between male and female copulation
  75. condom
    cover for penis worn during coitus to prevent conception and the spread of sexually transmitted disease
  76. ejaculation
    ejection of semen from the male urethra
  77. genital herpes
    sex trans dis caused by herpesvirus hominis (herpes simplex virus)
  78. gonads
    male and female sex glands
  79. gonorrhea
    contagious inflammatory sex tran dis cause by baterial organism that effects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system
  80. HIV (muna ummunodeficinecy virus)
    A type of retor virus that causes AIDS. HIV infects the T-hleper cells of the immune system, allowing for opportunistic infections such as candidiasis pneumonia, TB,Kaposi sarcome
  81. HPV human papillamavirus
    a prevelant sexually transmitted disease causing benign of cancerous growth (veneral warts)
  82. syphilis
    chronic infection cause by the bacterium Treponema pallidum
  83. trichomoniasis
    a sex trans dis caused by a one cell organism Trichomonas. It infects the genitourinary tact
  84. AIDS
    Acquired immunodeficiency disease
  85. BPH
    Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  86. DRE
    Digital Rectal Examination
  87. ED
    erectile dysfunciton
  88. HIV
    human immunodeficiency virus
  89. HPV
    human papilloma virus
  90. PSA
    Prostate-specific antigen
  91. RP
    Radical Prostatectomy
  92. TUIP
    transurethral incision of the prostate
  93. TUMT
    transurethral microwave thermotherapy
  94. TURP
    Transurethral resection of the prostate
  95. Ovaries
    Pair of almond-shaped organs located inthe pelvic cavity. Egg cells are fomred and stored in the ovaries
  96. Ovum
    Female Egg cell
  97. Graafian Follicles
    100,000 microscopic sacs that make up a large portion of the ovaries. Each contains immature ovum. Normally one graafian follicle develops to maturity monthly between puberty and menopause. It moves to the surface of the ovary and releases the ovum.
  98. Uterine, Fallopian, tubes.
    • Pair of 5 inch tubes, attached to the uterus, that provide a passage way
    • for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus
  99. fimbria
    finger like projections at the free end of the uterin tube.
  100. Uterus
    Pear shape place that houses an ovum when fertilized
  101. Hymen, fold of membrane found nead the opening of the vagina
    rectouterine pouch between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior wall of the rectum
  102. Bartholin glands
    pair of mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vagina and just above the vaginal opening
  103. mammary glands milf producin glands of the female. Each breat consists of 15-20 divisions or lobes
    • milf producin glands of the female. Each breat consists of 15-20
    • divisions or lobes
  104. Vulva or external genitals
    Two pairs of lips. labia menor and majora surround the vagina
  105. Clitoris,
    the highly erogenous erectile body lacoted anterior to the urethra
  106. Perineum
    pelvic floor in both the male and female. In females it usually refers to the area between the vaginal opening and anus.
  107. arche/o
    first, beginning
  108. cervic/o trachel/o
  109. colp/o vagin/o
  110. culd/o
  111. episi/o, vulv/u
  112. gynec/o, gyn/o
  113. hymen/o
  114. hyster/o, metr/o, metr/i, uter/o
  115. mamm/o, mast/o
  116. men/o
  117. oophor/o
  118. perine/o
  119. salping/o
    uterine tube (fallopian tube)
  120. peri
    surroundin (outer)
  121. atresia
    absence of normal body opening, occlusion, closure
  122. -ial
    pertaining to
  123. -salpinx
    uterin tube
  124. amenorrhea
    absences of menstraul discharge
  125. Bartholin adentitis
    Inflammation of the Bartholin gland
  126. cervicitis
    inflammation of the cervix
  127. colpitis, vagnitits
    inflammation of the vagina
  128. dysmenorrhea
    painful mentraul discharge
  129. endocervicitis
    inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus
  130. hematosalpinx
    condition of blood in the uterine tube
  131. hydrosalpinx
    water in the uterine tube
  132. hysteratresia
    closure of the uterus
  133. mastitis
    inflammation of the breast
  134. menometrorrhagia
    Rapid flow of blood from the uterus at menstruation
  135. menorragia
    blood during menstraution
  136. metrorrhagia
    blood from uterus
  137. myometritis
    inflammation of the muscles of the uteros
  138. oophorilit
    inflammation of the ovary
  139. Gamete
    mature gerb
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Medical Terms Chapter 7
Medical terms Chapter 7 for UNLV DPT program