types of drugs

  1. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    acts by binding to a-adrenergic receptor, causing dilation of peripheral blood vessels, lowers peripheral resistance, resulting in decreased blood pressure
  2. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    used for phenochroocytoma, prevention of tissue necrosis, and sloughing associated with extravasation of IV vasopressors.
  3. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    side effects
    the most common are hypotension , tachycardia, nasal stuffiness, nausea, omiting, and diarrhea
  4. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    hypersensitive relations may occur, and allergies should be identified before these products are given. pts with MI, coronary insufficiency, angina, or other evidence of CAD shouldnt use these products
  5. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
  6. rmacokinetics
    vary among products
  7. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    vasoconstictive and hypertensive effects of epINEPHrine are antagonized by a-adrenergc blockers
  8. Alpha-adrenergic blockers
    nursing diagnosis and considerations
    • tissue perfusion, ineffective (uses)
    • injury, risk of (adverse reactions)
    • sleep pattern, dstrubed (adverse reactions)
    • electrolytes: k, na,cl,co2
    • weight daily , I&O
    • b/p lying, standing, before starting tx,q4h thereafter
    • n&v diarrhea
    • skin turgor, dryness of the mucous memebranes for hydration status
    • administer:
    • starting with low dose gradualy increasing to prevent side effects
    • with food or milk for gi symptoms
    • evaluate:
    • therapeutic response: decreased b/p increased peripheral pulses
    • teach pt/family:
    • to avoid alcoholic beverages, to change positions slowly or fainting ma occur, to take drugs as prescribed, to avoid all OTC products (cough, cold, allergy) unless directed by prescriber.
    • generic names
    • phentolamine
  9. anasthetics- general/ local
    anesthetics (general) act on the cns to produce tranquikication and sleep before invasive procedures. (local) inhibit conduction of nerve impulses from sensory nerves.
  10. anasthetics- general/ local
    general anathetics are used to premedicate for surgery, induction and maintenance in general anesthesia. local refer to individual product listing for indications
  11. anasthetics- general/ local
    side effects
    the most common are dystonia, akathisia, flexion of the arm, fine tremors, drosiness, restlessness, and hypotension. also common are chills, respiratory depression, and laryngospasm.
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types of drugs
nursing need to know