Linux Basic

  1. What three items can start a users rights line and what do they mean?
    d, -, or l. A d indicates a directory, a dash (-) indicates a file, and an l indicates a link.
  2. What are the three file permissionas and their abbreviations?
    (read, write, or execute).
  3. Command to change file permissions?
    chmod (change mode)
  4. What are the three groups of people permissions can be made to?
    Yourself, Group, and Other. u g o
  5. Add a permission for you to write (include the command)
    chmod u+w filename
  6. remove a permission for you to read and write (include the command)
    chmod u-rw filename
  7. View the rights for all the files in a directory
    ls -l
  8. add permissions of read write execute to a cgi folder for you, the group and otherers
    chmod guo+rwx cgi
  9. Numeric permissions are set in what order?
    UGO (e.g. 432)
  10. Numeric values for read write execute
    4 = Read, 2 = Write, 1 = eXecute
  11. What does this mean? 743
    • 7 4+2+1 Read Write Execute for User
    • 4 Read for group
    • 3 Write and execute for others
  12. wild card for one letter
    ? as in ls a? will return everything that has a and another single character (am, a1, etc.)
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Linux Basic
Basic linux commands