teex digitalis

  1. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Class
    Cardiac Glycoside
  2. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Actions
    • 1. Increased Cardiac Contractile Force
    • 2. Increased Cardiac Output
    • 3. Reduced Edema associated with CHF
    • 4. Slows AV conduction
  3. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Indications
    • 1. Congestive heart failure
    • 2. Rapid A-Fib/Flutter
  4. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Contraindications
    • 1. Any patient with signs / symptoms of digitalis toxicity (dysrhytmia that is often is refractory to traditional antidysrhythmic drugs)
    • 2. VF
  5. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Precautions
    • 1. Monitor for signs of digitalis toxicity
    • 2. Patient's who have suffered a MI have greater sensitivity to effects of digitalis
    • 3. Calcium should not be administered to digitalis patient's
  6. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Side Effects
    • 1. Nausea / Vomitting
    • 2. Arrhythmias
    • 3. Yellow Vision
  7. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Dosage
    • Loading Dose: .25-.50 mg
    • Maintenance: .125-.25 mg every 2-6 hours to a total of .75 - 1.25 mg in 24 hours
  8. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Route
  9. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) How Supplied
    Ampule: .5mg in 2mL
  10. Digitalis (Lanozin or Digoxin) Pediatric Dose:
    15-30 mcg / kg
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teex digitalis
TEEX Digitalis Medic