Unit IV - Ear

  1. Ear Disorder Dx
    • Otoscopy: visualize auditory canal and tympanic membrane
    • Voice test: 1-2 feet away and whisper
    • Tuning fork tests: Weber & Rinne to determine conductive or sensorineural
    • Audiometry: test in sound proof booth (different pitches and volumes)
    • Vestibular
    • --The Romberg: measures balance and equilibrium
    • --Past-point: identifies coordination problems
    • --Caloric: evaluates vestibular function
    • Tympanometry: distinguishes middle ear disorders
    • MRI / X-Ray
  2. Ear Medication Administration
    • Adult: Pinna up and back
    • Child: Pinna down and back
  3. Medications - Infections
    PO or into ear (octic use only)
  4. Medications - Vertigo
    • Anticholinergic/antihistime
    • Side effects: drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth
    • Nursing care: safety prec, avoid alcohol/CNS depressants, no pregnancy

    • Anivert
    • Dramamine
  5. Hearing Loss
    • Most common disability in US
    • Affects speech development/intelligence
    • Speak in normal voice
  6. Conductive Deafness
    • Interference in sound waves
    • Ear wax most common cause
    • Also perforated ear drum, otitis media, otosclerosis, congenital, foreign boy
    • Hearing is present but dimnished - need increased volume
  7. Sensorineural Deafness
    • Degeneration of nerve sensory cell - disturbance of inner ear or transmitting nerve
    • Caused by trauma, age, ototoxic drugs, childhood diseases, congenital defects, tumors
    • Hearing may be present - hearing aid
  8. Mixed Deafness
    Conductive and Sensorineural
  9. Functional Hearing Loss
    • No organic cause
    • Psychogenic
  10. Central Deafness
    • Caused by the brain's inability to interpret the information
    • Due to brain injury or stroke
  11. Deafness S/S
    • Hearing assessment
    • Loss of high pitched sounds
    • Ask about hearing habits
  12. Deafness Dx
    • Weber & Rinne
    • Audiometric testing
  13. Deafness Treatment
    • Hearing aids - increase volume
    • Cochlear implants
  14. Cochlear Implants
    • Used with sensorineural hearing loss
    • Gives sounds (noises like alarms, sirens), not full hearing
    • For someone who used to have hearing, remembers sounds
  15. Mastoiditis
    • Inflammation of mastoid sinusus
    • Secondary to middle ear infection
  16. Mastoiditis S/S
    • Earache
    • Fever
    • Headache
    • Malaise
    • Drainage
    • Pain behind ear
  17. Mastoiditis Treatment
    • Antibiotics PO (may be longer than 10 days) or IV if difficult to treat
    • Mastoidectomy: sinuses scraped to clear out infection
    • Chronic infection - hearing loss
  18. Mastoiditis Nursing Care
    • No bending 2-3 weeks
    • Position affected side down
    • Avoid constipation
    • No flying 4 weeks
    • No water in ear
    • Monitor drainage
    • Monitor for hearing loss
    • Antibiotic side effects
  19. Labrynthitis
    Inner ear infection
  20. Labrynthitis S/S
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Uncoordination
    • N&V
  21. Labrynthitis Treatment
    • Vertigo meds
    • Antibiotics
  22. Labrynthitis Nursing Care
    • Safety precautions due to dizziness
    • N&V
    • Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
  23. Otosclerosis
    Spongy bone around stapes prevent impulses from getting to oval window
  24. Otosclerosis S/S
    • Progressive hearing loss
    • Begins in teen years
    • Dizziness
  25. Otosclerosis Treatment
    Stapedectomy: remove of stapes/insertion of tissue or prosthesis
  26. Otosclerosis Nursing Care
    • Reduced activity
    • Affected side up
    • Manage dizziness
    • Assess for headache
    • Monitor for infection
  27. Meniere's Disease
    Increase of fluid in the inner ear due to overproduction or improper drainage
  28. Meniere's Disease S/S
    • Severe nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Tinnitus
    • Nystagmus
    • S/S come and go
  29. Meniere's Disease Treatment
    • Duiretics
    • Reduced sodium
    • Antivertigo meds
    • Insertion of bypass tube
    • Surgery to destroy inner ear (causing deafness)
  30. Meniere's Disease Nursing Care
    • Antiemetics
    • Low salt diet
    • Calm environment
    • Get up slowly
    • Risk for injury
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Unit IV - Ear
Unit IV - Ear