
  1. Upper Respiratory Disorders
    • Allergic rhinitis "hay fever" - runny nose
    • Common cold
  2. Lower Respiratory Disorders
    • Asthma
    • COPD
  3. Direct Acting Cholinergics
    • Increase acetylcholine release
    • increased urination
    • increases tearing
    • increased orthostatic hypotension
  4. Indirect Acting Cholinergic
    • Decreased acetylcholine breakdown - "cholinesterase inhibition"
    • Increased muscle tone
    • Increased susceptibility to fatigue
    • Increased bronchial secretions - bronchspasms
    • Salivation
    • Lacrimation
    • Urination - increased
    • Diaphoresis
    • GI activiity - increased
    • Emesis - increased acid
  6. Anti-histamines
    • Relieves congestion related to allergies
    • blocks histamines
  7. 1st Gen- H1 Antihistamines
    • Older - More drowsiness
    • Benadryl
    • Phenergan
    • Astelin - nasal spray
    • Dramamine
  8. 2nd Gen- H1 Antihistamines
    • Newer - Less drowsiness
    • Claratin
    • Zyrtec
    • Allegra
    • Clarinex
  9. Decongestants
    • Afrin - inhaled nasal spray
    • Sudafed - oral
    • Releaves vasoconstriction in nasal passages
    • Less than 3 days use and be aware of possible rebound congestion
  10. Cough Medications
    • Mucolytics/expectorants - break up airway mucous
    • Adverse effects - Aspiration/bronchospasm
    • Mucinex
    • Robitussin
    • Antitussives - supress cough reflex by raising the cough threshold
    • Codine
    • Avoid alcohol
  11. Med Classes That Drease Inflammation
    • Oral steroids
    • Inhaled steroids
    • Mast cell stabilizers
    • Leukotiene modifiers
  12. Oral steroids
    • Prednisone - Systemic side effects
    • SoluMedrol
  13. Inhaled Steroids
    • No systemic side effects - RINSE MOUTH
    • Fluticasone
    • Budesonide
    • Beclomethasone
  14. Mast Cell Stabilizers
    • Cromolyn sodium
    • Nedocromil
  15. Leukotriene Modifiers
    • Singulair
    • Accolate
    • Zyflo
  16. Meds That Direct Airway Dialators
    • Beta-2 Agonists
    • Anti-cholinergics
    • Methlxanthines
  17. Beta-2 Adrenergic Agonists
    • Albuterol
    • Formoterol
    • Salmeterol
    • Terbutaline
    • Isoproterenol
    • Epinepherine
  18. Anti-cholinergics
    • Ipratropium
    • Tioptropium
  19. Methylxanthines
    • Theophylline - Level= 10-20mcg - watch for toxicity
    • Aminophylline
Card Set
Respiratory meds