Review Ch. 8

  1. Resident rooms are designed for comfort, safety, and privacy. They need to be as homelike as possible.
  2. OBRA requires that nursing centers manitain atemperature range of 71o F to 81o F.
  3. A semi-sitting position. The head of the bed is raise 45 to 95 degrees.
    Fowlers's position.
  4. The head of the bed is raised 30 degrees (and the knee portion is raised 15 degree).
    semi-Fowler's position
  5. The head of the bed is lowered and the foot of the bed is raise.
    Trendelenburg's position. A doctor orders the position.
  6. The head of the bed is raised and the foot of the bed is lowered.
    reverse Trendelenburg's position. This position requires a doctor's order.
  7. The overbed table is a work area for the nursing team. Only clean and sterile items are places on the table. Never place bedpans, urina;s, or soiled linen on an overbed table. Clean the trable after using it for a work surface.
  8. The bedside stand. The bedside stand has a top and a lower cabinet with a shelf.
    • - The drawer is used for money, eyeglases, books, and other items.
    • - The top shelf is used for the wash bain. The wash basin can hold personal care items.
    • - An emesis or kidney basin is stored on the top shelf or in the drawer.The bedpan and cover, urinal, and
    • toilet paper are on the lower shelf.
    • - The top of the stand is often used for trissues and the phone. The person may put a radio, flowers,
    • gifts, cards, and other items there.
  9. Chairs
    The person has at least 1 chair. It must be comfortable and sturdy.
  10. Having the means to be completely free from public view while in bed.
    Full visual privacy.
  11. The bathroom
    A toiletk, sink, call system, and mirror are standard equipment.
  12. The person must have free access to the closet and its contents. Items in the closet and drawers are the person's private propertty. OBRA requires that each resident have closet space with shelves and a clothes rack.
  13. Is not in use until bedtime. The bed is ready for a new resident.
    Closed bed. Top linens are not folded back.
  14. Collect linens in the order you will use them. The item you will use first is at the bottom of your stack.
    • Mattress pad. (if needed)
    • Bottom sheet (flat or fitted)
    • Plastic drawsheet, waterproof drawsheet, or waterproof pad (optional)
    • Cotton drawheet (if needed)
    • Top sheet (if needed)
    • Blanket
    • Bedspread
    • Pillowcase (s)
    • Bath towel (s)
    • Hand towel
    • Washcloth
    • Bath blanket
  15. Linens
    - Remove dirty linen one piece at a time.
    - Roll each piece away from you. The side that touched the person is inside the roll and away from you.
    - A plastic drawsheet is waterproof. It is placed between the bottom sheet and the cotton drawsheet.
    - Cotton drawheets are often used as lift or turning sheets. when used for this purpose, do not tuck
    them in at the sides.
  16. This bed is made if the person will be out of bed most of the day or after a person is discharged.
    Closed Bed. If the bed is made for a new resident, the bed frame and mattress are cleaned and disinfected before making the bed. A complete linen change is done on the person's bath day.
  17. This bed is made for persons who:
    Arrive at the center by wheelchair
    Are out of bed for a short time
    Open bed. To open a closed bed, fold back the top linens.
  18. This bed is made when a person stays in bed.
    An occupied bed. Explain each procedure step to the person before it is done. This is importand even if the person cannot respond to you or is in a coma.
  19. Safety Alert for occupied bed:
    Protect the person from falling out of bed. if the person uses bed rails, the far bed rail is up. If the person does not use bed rails, have another person help you. You work one side of the bed. Your co-worker works on the other.
  20. This bed is made for persons who arrive at the center by ambulance. They are also used for persons who are taken by stretcher to treatment or therapy areas. They are made when portable tubs are used.
    • Surgical bed.
    • To make a surgical bed:
    • - Do not tuck linens at the foot of the bed back onto the bed. The fold is even with the bottom edge of
    • the mattress.
    • - Fold all top linens at the foot of the bed back onto the bed. The fold is even with the bottom edge of
    • the mattress.
    • - Fanfold linen lengthwise to the side of the bed farthest from the door.
    • - Leave the bed in its highest position.
    • - Leave both bed rail dowm.
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Review Ch. 8