Trunk, hip, knee, ankle, and foot muscles

  1. Movements of the trunk joint
    • flexion
    • extension
    • lateral flexion
    • rotation
  2. Exercise examples of flexion of the trunk joint along with muscles used and location
    • crunches, leg raises;
    • rectus abdominus ("6-pack" of abs)
    • internal oblique (within external obliques)
    • external oblique (outer abs, including love handles)
  3. Exercise examples of extension of the trunk joint along with muscles used and location
    • Back extension, dead lifts;
    • Erector spinae (lower back, along spine)
    • multifidus (deep muscle of the back, goes all along spine)
  4. Exercise examples of lateral flexion of the trunk joint along with muscles used and location
    • roman chair side bends, dumbell side bends;
    • Internal oblique (within external obliques)
    • External oblique (outer abs, including love handles)
    • Quadratus lumborum (interal lateral abs)
  5. Exercise examples of rotation of the trunk joint along with muscles used and location
    • broomstick twist;
    • Internal oblique (within external obliques)
    • External oblique (outer abs, including love handles)
    • multifidus (deep muscle of the back, goes all along spine)
    • Rotatores (lie beneath the multifidus)
  6. Movements of the Hip joint
    • Abduction
    • Adduction
    • Extension
    • Flexion
    • Lateral Rotation
    • Medial rotation
  7. Exercise examples of abduction of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Hip machine abduction;
    • Gluteus medius (upper posterior hip)
    • Piriformis (small muscle under gluts)
  8. Exercise examples of adduction of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Lunge; hip machine adduction
    • Adductor brevis (groin muscle)
    • Adductor longus (upper inner thigh)
    • Adductor magnus (lower inner thigh)
    • Gracilis (thin, medial inner thigh)
    • Pectineus (hip flexor)
  9. Exercise examples of extension of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Squat; leg press;
    • Gluteus maximus (butt muscle)
    • Biceps femoris (outer hamstring muscle)
    • Semimembranosus (small muscle on back of upper knee)
    • Semitendinosus (inner hamstring muscle)
  10. Exercise examples of flexion of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Leg raises, sit-ups;
    • Iliacus (hip flexor, above pectineus)
    • Pectineus (hip flexor)
    • Psoas Major (Hip flexor, below iliacus)
    • Rectus Femoris (main quad muscle)
  11. Lateral rotation of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Gemelli (hip flexor)
    • Gluteus maximus (butt muscle)
    • Obturator externus (hip flexor)
    • Obturator internus (hip flexor)
  12. Medial rotation of the hip joint along with muscles used and location
    • Gluteus minimus (upper butt muscle, within gluteus maximus)
    • gluteus medius (upper posterior hip)
  13. Movements of the Knee joint
    • Extension
    • Flexion
  14. Exercise examples of flexion of the knee joint along with muscles used and location
    • Leg curl;
    • Biceps femoris (outer hamstring muscle)
    • Semimembranosus (small muscle on back of upper knee)
    • Semitendinosus (inner hamstring muscle)
  15. Exercise examples of extension of the knee joint along with muscles used and location
    • Lunge, squats;
    • Rectus Femoris (main quad muscle)
    • Vastus intermedius (upper quad muscle)
    • Vastus Lateralis (outer quad muscle)
    • Vastus medialis (inner quad muscle)
  16. Movements of the ankle joint
    • extension (plantarflextion)
    • flexion (dorsiflexion)
  17. Exercise examples of extension (plantarflexion) of the ankle joint along with muscles used and location
    • Calf raises;
    • Gastrocnemius (2 main, large calf muscles)
    • Soleus (outer calf muscle)
  18. Exercise examples of flexion (dorsiflexion) of the ankle joint along with muscles used and location
    • Ankle Dorsiflexion resistance bands;
    • Extensor digitorum longus (outer shin muscle, lateral to peroneus tertius)
    • Peroneus tertius (lateral to tibialis anterior)
    • Tibialis anterior (upper shin muscle)
  19. Movements of foot (intertarsal) joint
    • Eversion
    • Inversion
  20. Exercise examples of inversion of the foot joint along with muscles used and location
    • Elastic band inversion;
    • Flexor digitorum longus (posterior outer shin muscle, medial to body)
    • Tibialis anterior (upper shin muscle)
    • Tibialis posterior (posterior to tibialis anterior)
  21. Exercise examples of eversion of the foot joint along with muscles used and location
    • Elastic band eversion;
    • Peroneus brevis (posterior lateral calf muscle, belwo longus)
    • Peroneus longus (posterior lateral calf muscle, above brevis)
    • Peroneus tertius (lateral to tibialis anterior)
Card Set
Trunk, hip, knee, ankle, and foot muscles
Exercises, movements and muscles in the trunk, hip, knee, ankle, and foot