A&P Ch 6&7

  1. Bone cells are arranged in concentric circles around longitudinal tubes called....
    Haversian canals
  2. Bones consist of:
    • -tissue
    • -marrow
    • -blood
    • -cartilage
    • -periosteum
  3. Minerals that harden matrix of bone:
    calcium & phosphate
  4. Shapes of bones:
    • -long
    • -short
    • -flat
    • -irregular
  5. The enlarged ends of a long bone:
    • (2) epiphyges
    • (2) epiphygis
  6. The shaft of long bone is covered with____.
  7. The functional cell in mature compact bone is the:
  8. The structural unit of bone is ________________.
    osteon (Haversian system)
  9. Tubes of bone matrix
  10. In a living bone, what is contained in a lacuna?
  11. Matrix of osseous tissue (organic)
    • -collagen
    • -glycosaminoglycans
    • -proteoglycans
    • -glycoproteins
  12. Matrix of osseous tissue (inorganic)
    • -hydroxyapatite
    • -calcium carbonate
    • -other minerals
  13. In bone tissue, minerals resist _______ and _______ resists _____.
    compression; collagen, tension
  14. axial skeleton consists of ______, _______ and _______.
    skull, vertebral column, and rib-cage
  15. The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is the:
    lambdoidal suture
  16. The sagittal suture is located between the _______ and_______ bones.
    parietal & parietal
  17. The glenoid cavity is where the ______.
    humerus articulates with the scapula
  18. Joint that is the greatest degree of movement.
  19. What are the two types of bone tissue?
    compact and spongy
  20. The _______ _______ makes up most of the bone's length and is composed of compact bone most superficially.
    diaphysis or shaft
  21. Name the canals that, in compact bone, that are for the passage of vessels and nerves from the outside of the bone to its interior central canals.
    Volkmann's canals
  22. In embryos, the skeleton is primarily made of _______, but in the adult most of the skeleton is _______.
    cartilage, bone
  23. In a comminuted fracture the:
    bone breaks into many fragments
  24. In intramembranous ossification, the membrane forms bone from _______.
    fibrous connective tissue membranes
  25. Single vertebrae are separated by _______, which cushion the vertebrae and absorb shocks.
    Intervertebral disks
  26. The spinal curvatures in the _______ and _______ regions are referred to as primary curvatures because they are present in the late fetus and infant.
    thoracic, sacral
  27. In endochonral ossification, bone tissue replaces _____.
    hyaline cartilage
  28. These bones experience intramembrane ossification
    cranial and clavicle
  29. For long bone growth, the cells of the epiphyseal plate proximal to the resting cartilage arrange in 3 zones:
    • 1) growth
    • 2) transformation
    • 3) osteogenic
  30. bone growth increasing in length
  31. bone growth increasing in width
  32. lattice network of spongy bone
  33. stages of healing fractures:
    • 1. fracture hematoma
    • 2. soft callus
    • 3. hard callus
    • 4. remodeling
  34. Common types of fractures (9)
    • 1. open, displaced
    • 2. transverse, nondisplaced
    • 3. oblique, nondisplaced
    • 4. greenstick
    • 5. comminuted
    • 6. linear
    • 7. Potts (ankle)
    • 8. Spiral
    • 9. Colles (wrist)
  35. bones losses mass and becomes brittle (loss of organic matrix and minerals)
  36. best treatment for osteoporosis is prevention, taking ______mg of _____ a day
    1000mg of calcium
  37. How much Ca does human body contain?
    1200-1400g, 99% stored as bone minerals
  38. the bone at the rear and base of skull
  39. hole in skull that hold spinal cord
    foramen magnum
  40. skull rests on atlas at _______
    occipital condyles
  41. in the skull, the _____ canal transmits _____ nerve, suppressing the tongue
    hypoglossal & hypoglossal
  42. What lines mark the neck muscles?
  43. The keystone bone
  44. In the body of the sphenoid is located ______.
    • sella turcica
    • hypophyseal
    • pituitary gland
  45. the sinus located near the sphenoid bone
    sphenoid sinus
  46. the paranasal sinuses
    • -ethmoid
    • -frontal
    • -spheniod
    • -maxillary
  47. The neural arch of vertebra.
    • -2 lamina
    • -2 pedicles
  48. bone formed in tendon that passes over joint
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A&P Ch 6&7
A&P Ch 6&7