in buddhism a sate of perfect wisdom in which one understands basic truths about the universe.
a series of rulers from a single family
hundred years war
a conflict in hich england and france battled on frech soil on and off for a 100 years.
house of wisdom
a center of learning established in baghdad
holy roman empire
empire established in europe in 10th centrary
pilgrimage to mecca. duty by muslims
gupta empire
the second empire in india founded by chandra gupta
green revolution
20th century attempt to increase food resouces worldwide. inolving the use of fertilzers and pesticides and the devlopment of disease-resistant crops
great purge
a campign of terror in the sovient union during the 1930s in which joseph stalin sought to eliminate all communist party members and other citizens who treatened his power.
gloriouse revolution
bloodless overthrow of the english king james 2
a west african kingdom that grew rich from taxing and controlling trade and that established an empire
federal system
a system of government in which power is divided between a cenral authority and a number of individual states.
a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism. a denial of indivdual rights and a dictatorial one party rule.
euopean movemnet in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and there scientific method to all aspects of society
domino theory
the idea that if a nation falls under communist control nearby nations will also fall under communist ruel
divine right
the idea that monarchs are gods representativs
d day
allies began their invasion of the european mianland during world war 2
russian emperor
belin conference
a meeting at eruopean nations agreed apon how africa were to e colonized
battle of midway
sea and air battle of wolrd war 2 in which american forces defeated japanese forces in the central pacific
balance of powers
a political situations in which no one nation is powerful engought to pose a threat to others.