Unit Two: Characteristics of Living Things

  1. What's ALL LIFE PROCESSES that make up an organism _______________?
  2. What causes disease and death?
    Failure to maintain homeostasis
  3. ____________ make their own food, while ____________ eat other organisms.
    • 1. Autotrophs
    • 2.Heterotrophs
  4. What is photosynthesis?
    It is carried out by plants, algea and blue-green bacteria( autotrohs). It takes the radiant energy of the sun and puts it in the bonds of sugar molecules. PHOTOSYNTHESIS occurs mostly in the CHLOROPLAST of PLANT CELLS.
  5. What do plants have?
  6. What is a stomate?
    it's small holes in their leaves that let them exchange the gasses used in photosynthesis.
  7. Guard Cells P.S. they don't guard the cell!!!!!!!!!
    they open and close the stomates
  8. Respiration
    Organisms get energy by breaking the bonds of sugar molecules. The released energy is used to make a molecule of ATP, which gives all organisms their energy. -Takes place in the mitochondria
  9. Aerobic Respiration
    requires oxygen, and more ATP(energy) for a molecule of sugar than anaerobic (no oxygen) respiration.
  10. What is diffusion?
    movent of molecules from high concentration to low concentration which requires no energy( passive transport)
  11. Active Transport
    requires the use of energy, usually moving molecules from a low to high concentration( against the flow of diffusion)
  12. What is osmosis?
    thediffusion of water into or out of the cell.
  13. What systems does: CORDINATION and CONTROL occur in
    • 1. Nervous System
    • 2. Endocrine System
  14. what is a stimulus?
    a change in the environment that you RESPOND to
  15. ****** What is a NEURON******
  16. where is insulin made
    the pancreas
  17. where is glycogen stored?
    in the liver
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Unit Two: Characteristics of Living Things