Psychology 2013 test 2

  1. grouping like items makes memory easier and faster its called
  2. we remember ? things better than ?  things this is called ? effect
    first, middle, primary
  3. Initially we remember ? things best this is called ? effect
    last, recency effect
  4. ? strengthens memory. this is the method of ?
    repetition, rehearsal
  5. when unusual or unique things are remembered better this is called?
    Von Restorff effect
  6. ? is the storage and retrieval of information
  7. Memorys three key processes are
    encoding, storage, retrieval
  8. organizing information in some way is
  9. putting information in the right place is
  10. this is good when encoding and storage work properly
  11. three types of encoding
    elaborative, visual imagery, organizational encoding
  12. what type of encoding happens when you build on knowledge we have. you are really interested in something
    elaborative encoding
  13. when you make a visual image of something in order to remember it eg silver lettuce on top of the typewriter
    visual imagery
  14. encoding when you have like files in your mind and like subjects so you get the info in the right place
    organizational encoding
  15. all the stuff that goes on around us. when you care it starts to get in memory and stay picks out what interest us this is called the
    sensory memory store
  16. what type of memory is visual items and lasts up to 1/4 of a second
    iconic memory
  17. what type of memory is verbal and lasts up to 4 seconds
    echoic memory
  18. what memory store stays with us about 30 seconds
    short term memory store
  19. whatever is on the screen of your mind at one time - it is the channel changer your mind goes from thing to thing to thing
    working memory
  20. this is a good technique for us and helps us with learning poetry and and info with just mental and verbal repetition of info
  21. put like things together put in smaller groups memory is better
  22. this is memory that is theoratically forever its a memory function of time - you have spent some time with it and continue to spend time with it
    long term memory store
  23. loss of memory for part of your life
  24. brain not developed early enough to remember youngest childhood years
    infantile amnesia
  25. intake so much info in one day you cant remember where the info cam from (source of info)
    source amnesia
  26. you remember the past not the present is called
    anterograde amnesia
  27. remember current not the past is called
    retrograde amnesia
  28. this memory is not so prominent even though it is still part of memory (implied memory)
    implicit memory
  29. conscious memory - stands out, major things, prominent (main features)
    explicit memory
  30. using words or language, learn becasue of what people tell us
    semantic memory
  31. this is the best teacher when having a memory. you have an episode, a time and place where something happened where memory was created for us
    episodic memory
  32. which memory is being used when you are remembering data and information like what date is it, what class is it
    declarative memory
  33. what memory is being used when you perform a behavior or a process or know how to do certain things (muscle memory) like playing piano
    procedural memory
  34. the decreasing accessibility of memory over time
  35. memories can be distorted by interference with other memories. When this happens because later (or current) learning is doing the interfering with present learning (learning in the present affects memory learned in the past)
    retroactive interference
  36. when the interference of memory is distorted by PRior learning is doing the interfering with present learning
    Proactive interference
  37. lapse of attention and forgetting to do things
  38. two types of lapses of attention and forgetting to do things are
    lack of attention, and divided attention
  39. when you are trying to multi task and your focus is affected eg you drive to college and you can't remember the drive is
    divided attention
  40. when you are sitting in a restaurant and you pay attention to the conversation behind you and you cant remember commitments you have made to the person sitting across from you is an example of
    lack of attention
  41. remembering to do things in the future (remember to remember) we may set little triggers to help us remember is called
    prospective memory
  42. temporary inaccessibility of stored information is and referred to as tip of the tongue phenomenon
  43. assigning a recollection or an idea to the wrong source; attribution of memories to incorrect sources or believing that you have seen or heard something you haven't is called
    memory misattribution
  44. an eyewitness in a testimony would be called what kind of memory
    source memory
  45. eyewitness testimony can play a big part in source memory and ?
    false recognition
  46. french for already seen - seems real but not, seems done it before but havent
    deja vu
  47. the incorporation of misinformation into memory due to leading questions deception and other causes
  48. retrospective distortions produced by current knowledge and beliefs
  49. is the bias to reconstruct the past to fit the present spun story to make is seem like they are the good one
    consistency bias
  50. is the tendency to exaggerate differences between what we feel of believe now and what we felt or believed in the past "funerals"
    change bias
  51. the tendency to exaggerate the past in order to make ourselves look good in retrospect
    egocentric bias
  52. unwanted recollections that people can't forget such as the unrelenting intrusive memories of PTSD
  53. you remember something vividly in great detail - major life event
    flashbulb memories
  54. remember what we need to know and after use it then done with it
    maintenance rehearsal
  55. Like the kid with the anazazi indian example, he really wants to know and delves into research to find out this is called
    elaborative rehearsal
  56. memory is what size
  57. what is the magic number seven
    most people remember things that are 7+ or - two
  58. physiological condition, physiological state, when you are in the same state you remember this is called
    state dependent memory (flooding)
  59. memory coming back depending on the setting, environment, or place is called
    context dependent memory
  60. the order in which memory comes back is called
    serial position effect
  61. the order in which memory comes back is what order?
    remember the first part then jumps to the last part and then you fill in the middle. also called serial position effect
  62. what are the three methods of measuring memory retention
    • recall
    • recognition
    • relearning
  63. when you have to search a lot of memory to find the information is called which method of memory retention
  64. when you remember something because the answer is there such as matching or multiple choice tests is called
  65. when you remember something you have learned at a previous time then you learn it again and the second time you learn it it is easier is called
  66. hints that help bring stored information to mind and are triggers for memory are
    retrieval cues
  67. when yo want to forget because its too painful or emotionally charged is called
    motivated forgetting (repression)
  68. when your memory is fine one moment and then it goes away and then it comes out so it comes in and out like a broken tv signal is called and is caused by a blow to the head
    transient global amnesia
  69. the erosion of myelin sheath and brain cells soften and you have problems assimilating the vitamin thiamin and is alcohol induced is called
    korsakoff's syndrome
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Psychology 2013 test 2
unit two chapter 5 test