Vocab #21

  1. Kudos(n)
    • The prestige or acclaim that results from some noteworthy achievement or position
    • -glory,honor(S)
    • -contempt, disdain(A)
    • UN: Kudos= singular
  2. Lackadaisical(adj)
    • Sorely lacking in spirit, energy, or purpose
    • -sluggish,lazy(S)
    • - energetic,animated(A)
    • RP: a devil-may-care attitude,a drone
  3. Legacy(n)
    • Something left to a person in a will; something handed down from the past
    • -inheritance,gift(S)
    • RP: a family heirloom, a hand-me-down
  4. Liability(n)
    • 1. a debt or obligation, especially of a financial nature
    • 2. a hindrance or handicap
    • -disadvantage, obstacle (S)
    • -asset, advantage (A) 
    • RP: have a cross to bear, a stumbling block
  5. Libel(n/v)
    • 1. a public statement/picture that damages a person by falsely impugning his/her character, motives,or actions or by unjustly exposing the person to public censure or ridicule
    • 2. to slander publicly
    • -defame, slander(S)
    • -gloss over, cover up(A)
    • RP:  defamation of character, character assassination, muckraker
  6. Litigation(n)
    • legal action; lawsuit
    • UN: -indicates a civil action is involved
    • -Litigious "given to engaging in lawsuits"
    • -legal proceedings(S)
    • RP: bring an action against, press charges against
  7. Lucid(adj)
    • Clear and intelligible to the understanding;mentally competent
    • -understandable, crystal clear(S)
    • -confused,insane(A)
    • RP: compos mentis
  8. Lucrative(adj)
    • Profitable
    • -productive, rewarding(S)
    • -unrewarding, barren(A)
    • RP: the profit motive
  9. lurk(v)
    • To sneak; to lie hidden or in wait
    • - prowl, loiter(S)
    • RP: prowler, stalking-horse
  10. Lush(adj)
    • 1. Luxuriant
    • 2. Overripe
    • -extravagant, lavish(S)
    • -simple, barren(A)
  11. Malapropism(n)
    • an unconscious misuse of a word
    • -flub, gaffe(S)
    • RP: a play on words, pun, Irish bull
  12. Malice(n)
    • desire to cause harm/suffering
    • -spite,resentment(S)
    • -generosity,charity(A)
  13. Mammoth(n/adj)
    • 1. Extinct form of elephant
    • 2. Gigantic
    • -colossal,enormous(S)
    • -tiny, microscopic, Lilliputian(A)
  14. Mandatory(adj)
    • Required
    • -imperative,compulsory(S)
    • -optional, voluntary(A)
    • RP: de rigueur, an elective course
  15. Medium(n)
    • The means by which some goal is achieved/person who realizes it
    • UN: Medium= someone who can communicate w/ dead
    • media=plural
    • -channel, vehicle(S)
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Vocab #21
vocab #21