cisco 2 chap 3

  1. Explain why static routing might be preferred over dynamic routing.
    Static routing is more secure, uses less router computational power, and is easier to understand. It is more secure because routers do not advertise routing information to other routers. It uses less router resources than dynamic routing, which requires the implementation of algorithims and the processing of update packets. It is often easier to understand than some of the more complex routing protocols.
  2. What are four ways of classifying dynamic routing protocols?
    Dynamic routing protocols can be classified as either interior or exterior, distance vector or link-state, classful or classless, and by speed of convergence.
  3. What are the most common metrics used in IP dynamic routing protocols?
    Hop count, bandwidth, delay, and cost
  4. what is the administrative distance and why is it important?
    Administrative distance is a measure of the trustiworhtiness of a route. It is used when a router has learned routes to the same destination from two different route sources. It is important because not all route sources are equal. For example, you certainly would not want a router sending traffic to another router if the destination is a directly connected network! Adminstrative distance ensures that this does not happen because directly connected routes are trusted over all other route sources.
  5. It can be said that every router must have at least one static route. Explain why this statement might be true.
    Every router that forwards user traffic to the internet will have at least one static route. That static route would be a default route. Every household that has a router to connect to the Internet uses a static default route to send all traffic to the ISP.
  6. Students new to routing sometimes assume that bandwidth is a better metric than hop count. Why might this be a false assumption?
    Hop count may actually use the better path if the path chosen by a bandwidth metric is saturated with traffic.
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cisco 2 chap 3
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