
  1. parasite
    an organism that lives within, on, or at the expense of another organism, khown as the host the parasite does not help or deny the survival of the host
  2. safety
    wash hands, treat all stool as zoonotic, don't put your fingers in your mouth, don't chew on your pens and pencils, no fppd or drink in the lab, don't touch your face or exposed skin
  3. sources of infections
    soil, food, water, stool, other animals
  4. portals of entry
    transplacental, transmammary, ingestion of larvae, ingestion of host skin penetration, blood contact
  5. possible effects
    irritation, transmits disease, anemia, tissue damage, mechanical blockage, zoonotic transmission, activation of the immune system
  6. kinds of host
    definite or primary host, intermediate host, paratenic host
  7. methods of control
    sanitation, heat sterilization, refrigeration and freezing, elimination of the host, improved nutrional status of animal/host, owner education
  8. other thing found in fecal sample
    pseudoparasites, fleas, fat droplets, yeast, spurious parasites
  9. gross exam
    abnormal observations are always noted in the animals records.

    observation of the stool sample with the naked eye and any abnormal findings are noted can give direct insight to diet eating habits and possible disease
  10. anthelminitics
    agent or a drug that expels or destroys internal parasites
  11. generic name
    written in lowercase letters the official identifying name of the drug
  12. trade name
    written in capital letters and establishes propriety recognition of a particular manufacturer that developed the product
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