Infectious Disease Fact Sheet

  1. West Nile virus
    • Flavivirus
    • virus
    • +Strand RNA
    • Enveloped
    • Rservour -birds
    • Symptoms - influenza like symptoms
    • latency - 2-15 days
    • Transmission - Mosquitoes
    • Treatment - supportive therapy
    • Prevention - sleeved shirts and pants, insect repellant
  2. MRSA
    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • Bacterium - G+
    • Major organs affected - skin and other mucous membranes
    • symptoms - abscesses and feverish symptoms
    • Side effects - scarring
    • Treatment - drian abscess,
    • Prophylactic - hand washing
  3. Anthrax
    • Bacillus anthracis
    • bacterium - G+,
    • Reservoir - Soil
    • Transmision - inhalation, cutaneous, gastroitenstinal
    • Organs affected - skin, lungs, lymph nodes, stomach
    • Symptoms - red ksin turns to blister and than to black scab. fever, nausea...
    • Sequelae - septicemia and death
    • Treatment - ciprofloxacin
    • Prophylactic measures - vaccines or antibiotics
  4. Hep C
    • Virus
    • +Strand RNA
    • Enveloped
    • IN Sub-Saharan Africa, Edypt, East Asia
    • 3% of World population infected.
    • Trasmiksion - broken skin to ifectous blood
    • Organs affected - liver and hepatocytes
    • Symtoms - abd pain and or swelling, jaundice
    • Sequelae - liver cancer
  5. Malaria
    • Plasmodia
    • Eukaryote : protozoa, unicelullar
    • in Africa 89%
    • 200-300 millino cases a year
    • Reservoirs - humans
    • Transmission- mosquitoes
    • Organs affected RBC, Brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys
    • Squelae: neurolgical problems, problems with movement, speech, deafness, blindness.
    • Treatments: chloroquine/Quinine
Card Set
Infectious Disease Fact Sheet
Final exam