almorzar (o-ue)
to have lunch
poder (o-ue)
to be able to
volver (o-ue)
to go/ to come back
entender (e-ie)
to understand
merendar (e-ie)
to have a snack
el cafe' (con leche)
coffee (with milk)
to eat breakfast
to have lunch
to have a snack
?Que' desayunas?
what do you have for breakfast?
siempre desayuno cereales con leche
i always have cereal with milk for breakfast
?que' quieres hoy de almuerzo?
what do you want for lunch today?
?que' tal si almorzamos ensalada de pollo?
what about chicken salad for lunch?
?que' hay de cena?
what is there for dinner?
tengo mucha hambre
i'm very hungry
vamos a cenar pescado, arroz, y espinacas
we're going to have fish, rice, and spinach for dinner
?necesitas ayuda?
do you need help?
si', saca el pollo y ponlo en el horno
yes, get out the chicken and put it in the oven.
?puedo ayudar?
can i help?
saca el flan del refrigerador
take the flan out of the refridgerator.
?por que' no preparas los sa'ndwiches?
why don't you make the sandwiches?
?pongo la mesa?
shall i set the table?
si', ponla, por favor
yes, set it please.
el refrigerador
acabar de
to just (have done something)
acostarse (ue)
to go to bed
despertarse (ie)
to wake up
estar listo (a)
to be ready
levantar pesas
to lift weights
mantenerse (ie) en forma
to stay in shape
to put on makeup
to comb your hair
secarse el pelo
to dry hair
vestirse (i)
to get dressed
el cepillo de dientes
la pasta de dientes
la secadora de pelo
hair dryer
?que' te falta hacer?
what do you still have to do?
?que tienes que hacer para prepararte?
?what do you have to do to get ready?
?que' haces para relajarte?
what do you do to relax?
el sa'ndwich de...
el jugo de... (naranja)
(orange)... juice
las papas fritas
french fries
la ensalada (de frutas)
(fruit) salad
la sopa (de verduras)
(vegetable) soup
(un poco) salado(a)
(a little) salty
(muy) caliente
(very) hot
to want/to wish/to desire
to prepare/to make
pedir (i)
to ask for/to order
probar (ue)
to try/to taste
to really like/to love
?que' tal esta'(n)?
how is it?
el restaurante
?que' tal si pruebas un sa'ndwich de atu'n?
how about trying a tuna sandwich?
son muy buenos aqui'
they're very good here
!ay no! nunca pido atu'n
oh no! i never order tuna.
no me gusta
i don't like it
aqui' preparan muy bien (mal) la salsa picante
they make very good (bad) hot sauce here
(no) estoy de acuerdo
i (don't) agree
!que' ricas esta'n las papas!
the potatoes are really good (tasty)
?que' tal esta' la sopa (de verduras)?
how's the vegetable soup?
esta' un poco salada
its a little salty
?que' desea usted?
what would you (formal) like?
quisiera un sa'ndwich do queso
i would like a cheese sandwich
?y para tomar?
and to drink?
para tomar, quiero jugo de (tomate)
to drink, i want tomato juice
?desea algo de postre?
would you like something for dessert?
si' ?me trae un flan?
yes, could you brink me a flan?
?algo ma's?
anything else?
?nos trae la cuenta, por favor?
could you bring us the bill please?
bajar de peso
to lose weight
buscar un pasatiempo
to find a hobby
dejar de fumar
to stop smoking
dormir lo suficiente
to get enough sleep
estar aburrido (a)
to be bored
estar cansado(a)
to be tired
estar contento(a)
to be happy
estar enojado(a)
to be angry
estar nervioso(a)
to be nervous
seguir (i) una dieta sana
to eat a balanced diet
subir de peso
to gain weight
tener catarro
to have a cold
es que...
its because/just that...
?que' tiene...
what's the matter with...?
?que' te pasa?
whats wrong with you?
?te duele algo?
does something hurt?
te veo mal (bien)
you (don't) look well
me (te, le, nos, os, les) duele(n)...
my... hurts
no debes...
you shouldn't
para cuidarte la salud,
to take care of your health
para cuidarte mejor
to take better care of yourself
tanto dulce
so many sweets
tener suen'o
to be sleepy
tener hambre
to be hungry
tener catarro
to have a cold
sentirse aburrido(a)
to feel bored
sentirse cansado(a)
to feel tired
sentirse contento(a)
to feel happy
sentirse enfermo(a)
to feel sick
sentirse enojado(a)
to feel angry
sentirse nervioso(a)
to feel nervous
sentirse triste
to feel sad
?como' te sientes?
how do you feel?
de algodo'n/lana/seda
made of cotton/wool/silk
los pantalones cortos
los pantalones vaqueros
un par de...
a pair of...
para hombres/mujeres/nin'os
for men/women/children
el saco
jacket/sports coat
el traje de ban'o
los zapatos de tenis
tennis shoes
cafe' (cafe's) or de color cafe'
a la u'ltima moda
in the lates style
el/la cliente
client, customer
el/la dependiente
to return something
pasado(a) de moda
out of style
quedar bien/mal
to fit well/badly
?en que' puedo ayudar?
how can i help you?
!es una ganga!
it's a bargain!
!es un robo!
it's a rip-off
nada ma's estoy mirando
i'm just looking
los sobrinos
?cua'ntas personas hay en tu familia?
how many people are in your family?
en mi familia somos cinco personas
there are five people in my family
tener(ie) los ojos azules
to have blue eyes
de color cafe' (or just cafe's)
brown eyes
tener(ie) el pelo rubio
blonde hair
estar en una silla de ruedas
to be in a wheelchair
usar lentes
to wear glasses
?co'mo eres?
what are you like?
?co'mo es e'l?ella?
what is he/she like?
?do'nde vives?
where do you live?
?cua'l es tu direccio'n?
what's your address?
?co'mo es tu casa?
what's your house like?
las afueras
el edificio (de diez pisos)
(10 story) building
?que' te toca hacer a ti?
what do you have to do?
me toca a mi'...
i have to....
?con que' frequencia...?
how often do you...?
arreglar mi habitacio'n
to pick up my bedroom
cortar el ce'sped
to cut the crass
cuidar a mis hermanos
to take care of my siblings
hacer la cama
to make the bed
lavar los platos
to do the dishes
limpiar el ban'o
to clean the bathroom
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
sacar la basura
to take out the trash
?que' to parece...?
what do you think...?
me parece (muy) bien
i think it's (very) fine/ it seems fine
me parece injusto
i don't think it's fair/ its seems unfair to me
no es gran cosa
it's no big deal
encima de
on top of/above
debajo de
al lado de
everywhere/next to
a la derecha (de)
to the right (of)
a la izquierda (de)
to the left (of)
neither/ not either
nothing/not anything
el almace'n
department store
los audi'fonos
el dvd (en blanco)
(blank) dvd
la heladeri'a
ice cream shop
la joyeri'a
jewelry store
la plaza de comida
food court in a mall
la revista de tiras co'micas
comic book
la tarjeta (de cumplean'os)
(birthday) card
mirar las vitrinas
to window shop
pagar (una fortuna)
to pay (a fortune)
tomar un batido
to have a milkshake
vender (de todo)
to sell (everything)
day before yesterday
?ado'nde fuiste...?
where did you go...?
?que' hiciste...?
what did you do...?
hello (on the phone)
?esta' andre's?
is andre's here?
?de parte de quie'n?
whos calling?
habla felipe
felipe speaking
espera un momento, ya te lo (la) paso
hold on a moment ill get him/her
lo siento, no esta'
im sorry, he's not here
?quieres dejarle un recado?
would you like to leave a message?
llamo ma's tarde
ill check back later
si', por favor, que me llame despue's
yes, please ask him to call me later