A&P Chapter 5

  1. What layer germinates the epidermis?
  2. What layer germinates the dermis and hypodermis?
  3. Skin is well developed during the ___th month of gestation.
  4. The downy coat is called ____ and is formed during the ____th of gestation.
    lanugo; 5th and 6th
  5. What encases the baby at birth?
    vernix caseosa
  6. Small white spots from sebaceous.
  7. your skin is ____% of your weight
  8. The 2 (3) distinct regions of the skin.
    • 1. Epidermis
    • 2. Dermis
    • 3. (Hypodermis)
  9. The epidermis is a _____ stratified squamous epithelium.
  10. The majority of epidermal cells are ______ that produce ____.
    heratonocytes; keratin
  11. These cells synthesize melanin.
  12. These cells are associated with sensory nerve endings.
    Merkle cells
  13. Microphages that help activate the immune system.
    Langerhans' cells
  14. Exposure to ultraviolet (U/V) light causes the skin to darken by stimulating the production of...
  15. The reticular layer accounts for ___% of the dermis.
  16. Order of epidermis layers from surface to deep: stratum___
    • corneum
    • lucidum
    • granulosum
    • spinosum
    • basale
  17. The skin that covers the palms, fingertips, and soles is considered ______ skin and consists of _____ layers.
    thick; 5
  18. In thin skin, the _____ layer is absent.
  19. When you scratch your skin, what comes off as white flakes that are mostly cells from the stratum _____.
  20. In skin, blood vessels are found in the _____
  21. The toughened outer portion of the hair is termed the ___.
  22. The structure that contracts to cause "goose bumps" is the____
    arrector pili muscle
  23. The central core of the hair is the ___.
  24. Two types of glands found in the skin are the_______ and _______ glands.
    Sudoriferous & Sebaceous
  25. Sebaceous glands secrete _____.
  26. Sudoriferous glands secrete _____.
  27. Appendages of the skin:
    • 1) hair
    • 2) nails)
    • 3) sudoriferous glands
    • 4) sebaceous glands
  28. The different layers of the epidermis have one feature in common. This feature is:
    absence of blood vessels
  29. Growth of the epidermis takes place because of mitosis in the ______.
    stratum basale
  30. The type of tissue making up the bulk of the dermis is ______.
    dense connective tissue irregular
  31. When assessing the extent of burns on the body using the rule of nines, the anterior and posterior trunk represents about what percentage of the body?
  32. Glands usually associated with hair follicles are (could be two):
    sebaceous glands & apocrine sweat glands
  33. Which of the vitamin is “activated” in the skin?
  34. In order to reduce an excessive body heat loss (there could be several):
    • 1. production of sweat decreases
    • 2. cutaneous blood vessels constrict
  35. Functions of skin:
    • 1. Expression
    • 2. Protection
    • 3. Temperature regulation
    • 4. Vitamin D
    • 5. Excretion
    • 6. Sensory
    • 7. Blood reservoir
  36. Types of barriers of skin protection:
    • 1. chemical
    • 2. mechanical
    • 3. biological
  37. What is vellus?
    peach fuzz (light, very fair body hair)
  38. Nails are made up of hard ____ and have a ______, a _______, and a _____.
    keratin; free edge; body; root
  39. 2 Types of hair
    • 1. vellus
    • 2. terminal
  40. Length of anagen phase for hair growth on scalp.
    2-7 years
  41. What affects the growth and density of hair?
    nutrition and genetics
  42. What are the major problems resulting from burns?
    infection & fluid loss
  43. The degree of burn only affecting the epidermis
    1st degree
  44. The degree of burn where disfigurement may occur.
    3rd degree
  45. Possible treatment for burns:
    • IV nutrition & fluid replacement
    • debridement
    • infection control
  46. The least dangerous form of skin cancer.
    Basal cell carcinoma
  47. Type of skin cancer that can be lethal.
    Squamous cell carcinoma
  48. Skin cancer that arises from the melanocytes of a preexisting mole
    malignant melanoma
  49. How to identify malignant melanoma:
    ABCDE (asymmetry, border is irregular, color is mixed, diameter over 6mm, elevation)
  50. Yellow to orange pigment
  51. Polymer ranging in color from yellow to red/brown to black
  52. Gives pinkish hue to skin
  53. cyanosis is ____ color
  54. erythema is ____ color
  55. jaundice is _____ color
  56. bronzing is ____ color
  57. pallor is ____ color
  58. black and blue marks
  59. Finger prints are what type of skin marking?
    friction ridge
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A&P Chapter 5
A&P Chapter 5