seizure meds

  1. DOC of new- onest partial seizures
  2. drugs for absence seizure
    • ehtosuximide
    • valproic acid (if both generalized and absence)

    • lamotrigine
    • topiramate
  3. tonic clonic generalized seizure drugs
    • monotherapy:
    • carbamazepine,
    • phenobarbital
    • phenytoin
    • topiramate (>10yo)
  4. drug for post traumatic epilepsy
    phenytoin x7 d
  5. for infantile spasms
    • ACTH
    • oral steroids
    • vigabatrin
    • valproic acid
  6. catamenial epilepsy
    what is it?
    what drug is used?
    • related with hormonal changes during menstruation
    • acetazolamide
  7. carbamazepine
    indicated for?
    • complex partial seizures
    • mostgeneralized seizures

    not absence or febrile seizures
  8. SE of carbamazepine
    • SIADH
    • osteomalacia
    • folate deficiency

    • potentially fatal, severe dermatologic rxn (HLAB1502)
    • aplastic anemia
    • hepatotox
    • suicidal
    • preg D
  9. carbamazepine trade name
    • Carbatrol
    • Equetro
    • Epitol
    • Tegretol
  10. ethosuximide indications
    • absence
    • myoclonic seizures
  11. ethosuximide trade name
  12. long term SE of ethosuximide
    • anorexia
    • weight loss
    • gum hypertrophy
  13. felbamate indication
    adjunctive only
  14. felbamate SE
    weight loss

    • hepatotox
    • aplastic anemia
    • suicidal
  15. fosphenytoin indication
    short term IV/IM for generalized convulsive status epilepticus
  16. reference range for phenytoin
    10-20 mg/L
  17. felbamate trade name
  18. Fosphenytoin brand
  19. phenytoin trade
    • Dilantin
    • Phenytek
  20. primidone brand
  21. valproic acid brand
    Depacon (inj)

    • Depakene
    • Stavzor
  22. Divalproex sodium brand
  23. Lacosamide brand
  24. Oxcarbazepine brand
  25. Tiagabine brand
  26. Rufinamide brand
  27. Vigabatrin brand
  28. Zonisamide brand

  29. Gabapentin and pregabalin and tiagabine indication
    adjunct for partial
  30. lacosamide indication
    • adjunctive for partial
    • (>17y)
  31. lamotrigine indications
    adjunctive for partial, tonic-clonic, and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

    for conversion to monotherapy

    and other seizures
  32. black box of lamotrigine
    toxic epidermal necrolysis (rash)
  33. Levetiracetam indication
    adjunct for partial, primary generalized, and myoclonic
  34. oxcarbazepine indication
    • for partial seizures
    • monotherpy (>4yo) and adjunct (>2yo)
  35. SE of oxcarbazepine
    SIADH (more common than with carbamazepine)

    antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome
  36. patient counseling for oxcarbazepine
    back up birth control
  37. phenobarbital indications
    • neonatal seizures
    • generalized (except absence)
  38. phenobarb reference range
  39. SE of phenobarb
    • hyperactive
    • lowers IQ
    • folate and vit. K deficiency

    • liver failure
    • stevens-johnson syndrome

    Preg. category D
  40. phenobarbital schedule
  41. phenytoin indication
    all seizures except absence and febrile

    prevention of seizure following neurosurgery
  42. SE of phenytoin
    • peripheral neuropathy
    • hydantoin facies (enlargement of nose and lips)
    • acne, hirsutism, gingival hyperplasia
    • osteomalacia
    • vitamin K and folate deficiency

    • hepatic failure
    • steven-johnson syndrome
    • preg. D
  43. SE of pregabalin

    increased appetite and weight gain
  44. primidone indication
    • generalized tonic-clonic
    • complex partial
    • simple partial
  45. reference range for primidone
  46. SE of primidone
    • malignant lymphoma-like syndrome
    • megaloblastic anemia
    • lupus like syndrome
  47. primidone's metabolite
  48. topiramate indication
    initial monotherapy (>10yo) for partial onset seizures, primary generalized tonic clonic

    adjunct for (2-16 yo) with partial onset, or tonic lonic

  49. SE of topiramate
    • hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
    • acute myopia/ closed angle glaucoma
    • kidney stones
    • paresthesia
    • word finding difficulties and decreased cognition
    • weight loss

    *not sweat --> over heat
  50. valproic acid indications
    all generalized and partial

    DOC for absence

    rarely used in <2 yo
  51. valproic acid range
  52. SE of valproic acid!!
    • increase LFT (hepatotox)
    • weight gain
    • alopecia
    • thrombocytopenia
    • tremorr
  53. black box of valproic acid
    • hepatotox
    • hemmorhagic pancreatitis
    • preg D
  54. vigabatrin indication
    infantile spasms

    adjunct for complex partial
  55. viagabatrin SE
    peripheral vision loss

  56. zonisamide indication
    partial seizures
  57. SE of zonisamide
    • kidney stones
    • weight loss
    • psychosis

    • oligohidrosis (no sweat)
    • metabolic acidosis (check bicarb)
  58. ketogenic diet
    high fat, adequate protein, low carb diet
  59. max infusion rate for phenytoin
  60. max fosphenytoin rate
  61. phenytoin: fosphenytoin
    1mg : 1.5 mg
  62. how to induce coma?
    • pentobarbital
    • LD 20-40mg/kg over 1-2 hr
    • continues 1-4mg/kg/hr
  63. DOC for prolonged febrile seizure
    rectal lorazepam or diazepam

  64. rash is associated with which anticonvulsants
    • carbamazepine (HLAB*1502)
    • oxcarbazepine
    • ethosuximide?
    • fosphenytoin and phenytoin(HLA-B*1502)
    • lamotrigine (hold a dose)
    • phenobarbital
  65. anticonvulsants that causes kidney stones
    • topiramate
    • zonisamide
  66. pancreatitis causing anticonvulsant
    valproic acid
  67. which one causes weight gain?
    which one causes weight loss?
    valproic acid

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seizure meds
seizure meds