Bontragers ch 1 - Joints

  1. Synarthrosis
    Immovable joint.
  2. Amphiarthrosis
    Joint with limited movement.
  3. Diarthrosis
    Freely movable joint.
  4. Three types of joints by mobility.
    • Synarthrosis - immovable joint
    • Amphiarthrosis - limited movement joint
    • Diarthrosis - freely  movable joint
  5. Three types of joints by tissue type.
    • Fibrous joints
    • Cartilaginous joints
    • Synovial joints
  6. The subclasses of Fibrous joints.
    • Syndesmosis
    • Suture
    • Gomphosis
  7. The subclasses of Cartilaginous joints.
    • Symphysis
    • Synchondrosis
  8. The subclasses of Synovial joints.
    • Plane (Gliding)
    • Ginglymus (Hinge)
    • Trochoid (Pivot)
    • Ellipsoid (Condyloid)
    • Sellar (Saddle)
    • Spheroid (Ball and Socket)
    • Bicondylar
  9. All synovial joints are _____.
    All _____ joints are Diarthrodial.
  10. Syndesmoses
    • Distal tib/fib joint
    • Amphiarthrodial
    • Fibrous joint
  11. Sutures
    • Skull sutures
    • Synarthrodial
    • Fibrous joint
  12. Gomphoses
    • Roots of teeth
    • Amphiathrodial
    • Fibrous joint
  13. Symphyses
    • Broad flattened disk of fibrocartilage
    • Symphysis Pubis
    • Intervertebral disks
    • Amphiarthrodial
    • Cartilaginous joint
  14. Synchondroses
    • Temporary joints where cartilage becomes bone by adulthood.
    • Temporary joints in epiphyseal plates and parts of the pelvis.
    • Synarthrodial
    • Cartilaginous joint
  15. Synovial Joints
    • Freely movable joints with a fibrous capsule that contains synovial fluid.
    • There are 7 synovial joints classified by their movement.
  16. Plane (gliding)
    • Movement - sliding or gliding
    • Intermetacarpal, carpometacarpal, and intercarpal. (joints within the hand and wrist).
    • Atlantoaxial joint (between C1 and C2).
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  17. Ginglymus (hinge)
    • Movement - flexion and extension
    • Interphalangeal joints (fingers)
    • Knee
    • Elbow
    • Ankle
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  18. Trochoid (pivot)
    • Movement - rotational
    • Proximal and distal radioulnar joints
    • Between C1 and C2
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  19. Ellipsoid (condyloid)
    • Movement - flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction.
    • Wrist
    • 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints (fingers)
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  20. Sellar (saddle)
    • Movement - flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction.
    • Thumb
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  21. Spheroid (ball and socket)
    • Movement - flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, circumduction, medial and lateral rotation.
    • Hip
    • Shoulder
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  22. Bichondylar
    • Movement - primarily in one direction with some limited rotation.
    • Knee
    • Jaw
    • Diarthrodial
    • Synovial joint
  23. True or False: The best example of the sellar joint is the patella.
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Bontragers ch 1 - Joints
prep for exam 1