1. scrape on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane
  2. to acquire resources on the scene that can be lifesaving for the patient
    ALS advanced live support intercept
  3. method of listening for sounds produced within the body; usually performed with a stethoscope
  4. mnemonic used to remember the responses during assessment of the patient's mental status
  5. what does each letter of AVPU stand for
    • A alert
    • v responce to verbal stimuli
    • P response to painful stimuli
    • U unresponsive
  6. the force exerted by the blood volume on the walls of the vessels
    blood pressure
  7. diagnostic test in which the nail bed is compressed to empty the capillaries and determine the time it takes to refill and how long should it take
    capillary refilling time and 2 seconds
  8. the reason, best stated in te patients own words, for the medical problem that prompted the patient to seek emergency medical assistance.
    Chief complaint
  9. membrane that lines the interior surface of the eye lids and covers the anterior surface of the sclera of the eye
  10. to narrow and become smaller
  11. compression or blunt-force injury with no skin break in which blood vessels may leak or rupture, aka bruise
  12. gratting or crackling sound or sensation caused by air beneath the skin or broken bone ends rubbing together
  13. bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes or skin resulting from oxygen-depleted hemoglobins
  14. mnemonic used to rmembr possible physical findings identified during the head to toe survey and what does each letter stand for

    • D deformities
    • C contusions
    • A abrasions
    • P punctures
    • B burns
    • T tenderness
    • L lacerations
    • S swelling
  15. Structural distortion or bend that alters the normal apperance of the body or body part
  16. deliberate and comprehensive head to toe assessment to identify secondary injuries; part of the focused (secondary) assessment
    detailed physical examination
  17. to widen or become larger
  18. atrery in the foot that is palpable on the top of the foot
    dorsalis pedis
  19. Physical examination directed to the specific area of injury for patients with limited injuries or specific medical coplaints
    focused (secondary) assessment
  20. short breaths with rapid ispiratory phase associated with repiratory distress or fatigue
  21. first part of the initial assessment during which emt notes the patients age and gerder, nature of the illness or mechanism of injury, and any obvious life threatening conditions
    General Impression
  22. rhythmic sound heard at the end of each exhalation; key sign of respritory destress in infants
  23. sound created by air moving through fluids in the airway
  24. rapid examination to identify signs and symptoms in unresponsive patients with a significant mechanism of injury
    Head to toe survey
  25. information about the patient, including the chief complaint, present illness, past medical history, medications, and allergies; gathered during the interview with patient, family, or bystanders.
  26. portion of the history that clarifies the chief complaint or presenting problem through a series of questions
    history of the present illness
  27. increased blood pressure
  28. early part of assessment devoted to identifying and treating life threatening conditions related to airway, breathing, circulation, and mental status
    Initial (primary) assessment
  29. yellowing of the skin or sclera of the eye caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood
  30. enlargement of the neck veins associated with increased venous pressure
    jugular venous distention
  31. tear or cut in the skin or other tissue
  32. manner in which an injury was incurred; knowing this help in recongnizing the type of and extent of the injury
    Mechanism of injury
  33. event involving more than one patient that requires more resources than the responding units can provide
    Multiple casualty incident
  34. characteristic flaring of the nostrils in infants and small children suggesting the presence of resiratory distress
    nasal flaring
  35. type of medical compaint that a patient exhibits
    Nature of illness
  36. reevaluation of the patient; repeat initial assessment, vital signs, focused assessment, chec of interventions
    ongoing assessment
  37. when and how a patient's complaint first occurred
  38. mnemonic used to rember the key questions in the history of present illness and what does each letter mean

    • O onset
    • P provocation
    • Q quality
    • R radiation
    • S severity
    • T time
  39. the lining of the mouth
    oral mucosa
  40. a persons awareness of person, place, and time
  41. the act of feeling with the hand; applying light pressure with the fingers to the surface of the body to determine the condition of the parts underneath
  42. artery passing just behind the ankle bone, where it is palpable between the medial malleolus and the achilles tendon
    Posterior tibial
  43. abnormal sustained penile erection
  44. an factor that causes or worsens a patient's complaint
  45. to pierce or penetrate with a pointed object or instrument
  46. subjective description of the complaint in the patient's own words
  47. in assessment of the patient's cheif complaint, the spread of pain from one area of the body to another
  48. the drawing in of soft tissues between the ribs, above the clavicle, and below the sternum, reflects increased work of breathing
  49. mnemonic used to remembr the key questions in a patients history

    • S sign and symptoms
    • A allergies
    • M medications
    • P pertinent past history
    • L last oral consumption
    • E events leading up to present illness
  50. first step in the scene size up phase of patient assessment; ensures safety of the providers, patients, and bystanders by effectively securing the scene
    Scene safety
  51. first phase of patient assessment that includes scene safety, appropriate use of PPE, and determination of the MOI or NOI
    scene size-up
  52. measurement of the degree of pain a patients experiencing
  53. any objective evidence of disease or dysfunction; a clue to the patient's condition that can be observed ( seen, smelled, heard, or felt) by the EMT
  54. harsh, low pitched sound usually caused by the tongue blockin the airway
  55. device for measuring BP
  56. harsh, high-pitched sound created by air flowing through a norrowed upper airway, usually heard on inspiraton
    Stridor or crowing
  57. entrapment of air beneath the skin as a result of trauma to the airways, lungs, esophagus, or skin; characterized by deformity and crepitus of the skin
    subcutaneous emphysema
  58. pain that is elicited on palpation
  59. duration of the cheif complaint and significant associated complaints
  60. devices used to alter traffic flow around an emergency scene
    Traffic delineation devices or traffic cones
  61. tendecy toward improvement or deterioration in a patients condition
  62. to sort or choose; the sorting of patients according to injury priority
  63. position characterized by sitting upright and leaning forward with the head and neck thrust forward; generally associated with respiratory distress
    tripod position
  64. measurement of the function of the vital body system
    vital signs
  65. what are the 5 vital signs
    resperation, pulse, BP, temp., and pupils
  66. high pitch whistling sound created by narrowed bronchioles
  67. a
  68. adults normal respiratory rate
    12-20 breaths/min
  69. normal respiratory rate for a child 2-10 yrs
    15-30 breaths/min
  70. normal respiratory rates for infants birth-2 yrs
    25-50 breaths/min
  71. pulse rate for newborns, infants, child, child and adult
    85-205, 100-190, 60-140, 60-100
  72. how do you determine a normal BP
    • systolic is 100 mm Hg plus patients age up to 140 or 150
    • diastolic range is 65-90 mm Hg
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patient assessment