
  1. Stable Fly
    Stomoxys calcitrans
  2. what diseases can the stable fly carry
    • Bovine anaplasmosis( infectious dz, anemia)
    • Equine infectious anemia(severe viral brain dz)
  3. stable fly characteristics
    • about the size of a common house fly
    • has a spear-like nose that projects forward from the head
    • bliid-feeders
  4. stable fly habitat
    • legs and ventral abdomen
    • ears (espescially pointed ears)
  5. stable fly hosts
    domestic animals
  6. Fly Strike
  7. what is fly strike
    the infestatin of organs or tissues of host animals
  8. what is fly strike attracted to
    moist wounds, skin lesions, soiled hair coats, dead animal tissue and feces
  9. another name for fly strike
    facultative myiasis
  10. with fly strike, animals may die of....
    shock, intoxication, histolysis, or infection if the infestation is not stopped
  11. Horn fly
    Haematobia irritans
  12. Horn fly host
    pastured cattle
  13. horn fly habitat
    • feed on the backs and sides of cattle
    • spend entire life on or near cattle
    • larva grow in manure
  14. symptoms of horn flies and treatment
    fly worry (cows spend most time shooting off flies than eating)

    insecticide applied on cow skin and insecticide given orally
  15. Face fly
    Musca autumnalis
  16. face fly host and habitat
    mainly cattle, also horses

    does not bite, laps up fluids around the eyes, nose, and mouth
  17. symptoms and treatment of face flies
    cow will not eat if too many flies around face

    oral insecticides
  18. Screwworm fly
    Cochliomyia hominivorax
  19. screwworm fly host
    cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats
  20. screwworm fly habitat
    female lays eggs on edge of wound of warm blooed animals, when larva hatch they eat the tissue of the wound
  21. screwworm distribution
    central and south america (occasionally travel to north amaerica)
  22. symptoms and treatment of screwworm fly
    wound size increases, animal can loose tail, hooves, or ears

    Brand, dehorn, and castrate during winter months
  23. botflies
    • Hypoderma lineatum - larva in wall of cows esopagus
    • Hyposerma bovi - larva in fat around the spinal cord
  24. botflies host and habitat
    cattle, can be any species

    legs of cattle, preferable young cattle
  25. symptoms of botflies
    gadding (cattle run away from this fly)

    tissue damage, meat damage, hide damage
  26. death of hypoerma lineatum
    inflammation of esophagus making it difficult to eat
  27. death of hypoderma bovis
    inflammation around the spinal cord could cause paralysis
  28. treatment of botflies
    insecticides are questionable (may kill larva)
  29. infestation with ticks or mites
  30. larvae ticks have how many legs:

    Nymph ticks have how many legs:

    Adult ticks have how many legs:
    6 legs

    6 legs

    8 legs
  31. treatment for ticks
    repellents: Frontline, Advantix, Revolution
  32. 4 pronlems ticks can produce
    • 1. blood suckers feed on up to 2 mLs
    • 2. transfer blood born diseases
    • 3. cause tick worry
    • 4. Tick paralysis
  33. blood born disease transfered by ticks
    • Bacteria (Lyme disease)
    • viruses
    • parasitic
    • ricketsial
  34. lyme disease in dogs was first reported in.......
  35. clinical signs of lyme disease
    stiffness/pain in legs, possible fever, intermittent lameness, ill signs to no signs
  36. diagnosis and treatment of lyme disease
    clinical signs and positive antibody titer

    tetracycline, ampicillin
  37. other diseases caused by ticks
    • Babesia canis (Rhipicephalus sanguineus)
    • Rocky Mountain Spotted fever (Dermacentor variabilis)
  38. Hard ticks
    hard body, have scutum
  39. Soft ticks
    no scutum, more lesthery
  40. Spinose ear tick
    otobius megnini

    soft tick
  41. fowl tick
    argas pericus

    soft tick
  42. host and habitat of spinose ear tick

  43. stmptoms of spinose ear tick
    anemia, inflammation of the ear, damage to the eardrum, possible deafness
  44. Brown dog tick
    Rhipicephalus sanguineus

    hard tick
  45. American dog tick
    Dermacentor variabilis

    hard tick
  46. Lone star tick
    Amblyomma americanum
  47. Black legged or deer tick
    Ixodes spp.

    hard tick

    transmits Borrelia burgdorferi that causes lyme disease
  48. Cattle tick
    Boophilus annulatus

    one host tick
  49. diseases from cattle tick
    Babessiosis also called "Tick Fever" or "Texas cattle fever"
  50. treatment of cattle tick
    single application of vet approved pesticide
  51. lone star tick host and habitat
    prefers cattle and horses

    neck and the area where the legs meet its body
  52. symptoms of lone star tick
    deep irritating wounds and anemia
  53. Rocky Mountain Wood Tick
    Dermacenter andersoni
  54. Winter Tick
    Dermacenter albipictus
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