Additional Urinary Cards

  1. Urinary System Functions [4]
    • 1. Regulate blood volume & pressure
    • 2. Regulate plasma concentrations of ions
    • 3. Stabilize blood pH
    • 4. Conserve valuable nutrients
  2. Urinary System
    Removes organic waste products
  3. Components of Urinary System [4]
    • 1. Kidney
    • 2. Ureter
    • 3. Urinary Bladder
    • 4. Urethra
  4. Position of kidney maintained by... [3]
    • 1. Peritoneum
    • 2. Adjacent organs
    • 3. Supporting connective tissues
  5. Kidney is covered by...
    Renal Capsule
  6. Hilum
    Ureter exits, renal artery & nerve enter, renal vein exits
  7. Renal Sinus
    Internal cavity within kidney
  8. Kidney is divided into an _________ _________ __________, and an _______ ________ ________.
    • Outer renal cortex
    • Inner renal medulla
  9. Medulla contains 6 to 18 _______ ________ _______.
    Conical renal pyramids
  10. The tip of each pyramid called ______ ______ poject into the ______ ______.
    • Renal papilla
    • Renal Sinus
  11. Bands of cortical tissue called ______ ______ extend towards the ______ _______ between adjacent ______ ______.
    • Renal columns
    • Renal sinus
    • Renal pyramids
  12. Urine production begins in the ______ ______ in micorscopic tubular structures called ______.
    • Renal cortex
    • Nephrons
  13. Renal Corpuscle consists of... [2]
    • Glomerulus
    • Bowman's Capsule
  14. To enter the capsular space a solute must be small enough to pass through... [3]
    • 1. Pores of endothelial cells
    • 2. Fibers of the basement membrane
    • 3. Filtration slits between podocytes
  15. Filtration membrane is formed by... [3]
    • 1. Fenestrated capillary
    • 2. Basement membrane
    • 3. Filtration slits
  16. Filtration membrane
    • Prevents passage of blood cells & plasma proteins.
    • Permits movement of water, metoblic wastes, ions, glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins.
  17. Solute concentration of interstial fluid ______ while tubular fluid ______.
    • Increases
    • Decreases
  18. Water moves out of tubular fluid by ______ which ______ the volume of tubular fluid.
    • Osmosis
    • Reduces
  19. Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
    Secretes erythropoietin & renin
  20. Collecting system consists of ______ ______ and _______ ______.
    • Collecting duct
    • Papillary duct
  21. Collecting duct
    Receives tubular fluid from nephrons
  22. Papillary duct
    Delivers urine to a minor calyx
  23. Purpose of urine
    Maintain homeostasis by regulating volue and composition of blood
  24. Urine Production involves 3 metoblic waste products...
    • 1. Urea
    • 2. Creatinine
    • 3. Uric Acid
  25. Kidney Functions [3]
    • 1. Filtration: BP forces water across renal corpuscle
    • 2. Reabsorption: Removal of water & solute molecules from filtration & entry into peritubular capillaries
    • 3. Secretion: Transport of solutes out of peritubular capillaries across tubular epithelium, into filtrate
Card Set
Additional Urinary Cards
Additional Urinary Cards