Biology: Enzymes

  1. The breakdown of substances is called _____________.
  2. The formation of new products is called _______________.
    • anabolism
    • *synthesis*
  3. ________________ describes the condition where the rate of reaction in the forward direction equals the rate in the reverse direction, and as a result, there is no net production of reactants or products.
    Chemical equilibrium
  4. Enzymes are substrate specific. For example, enzyme amylase catalyzes the reaction that breaks the alpha-glycosidic linkage in starch but CANNOT break the beta-glycosidic linkage in cellulose.
    a. true
    b. false
  5. Enzymes are changed as a result of a reaction.
    a. true
    b. false
    false DO NOT change. enzymes can perform its enzymatic function repeatedly.
  6. _____________ are nonprotein molecules that assist enzymes.
    cofactors: metals
  7. A ______________ is the union of the cofactor and the zyme
  8. ____________ are organic cofactors that usually function to donate or accept component of a reaction, often electrons.
  9. What is an example of a coenzyme?
  10. What are the 3 components of ATP?
    • Adenine
    • Ribose
    • Phosphate
  11. New ATP molecules are assembled by _______________.
  12. ATP
    • It is usually the last phosphate bond that is broken.
    • ATP is converted to ADP + P
    • Energy is given off
  13. In ______________ inhibition, a substance that mimics the substrate inhibits the enzyme by occupying the active site. The mimic displaces the substrate and prevents the enzyme from catalyzing the substrate.
    competitive inhibition
  14. In _____________ inhibition, a substance inhibits the action of an enzyme by binding to the enzyme at a location other than the active site. The inhibitor changes the shape of the enzyme which disables its enzymatic activity.
    Noncompetitive Inhibition
  15. Many toxins and antibiotics are ______________ inhibitors.
    Non-competitive inhibition
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Biology: Enzymes
Biology: Enzymes