
  1. Bretylium - Generic name:
  2. Bretylium - Trade name:
  3. Bretylium - Class:
  4. Bretylium - Actions/pharmacodynamics:
    • 1) Increases v-fib threshold
    • 2) Blocks release of norepinephrine from peripheral sympathetic nerves
    • 3) May convert v-fib to effective rhythm without defib; nickname is the "chemical defibrillator"
  5. Bretylium - Indications:
    • 1) V-fib refractory to Lidocaine
    • 2) V-tach refractory to Lidocaine
    • 3) PVCs refractory to first-line medication
    • 4) Wide complex tachycardia refractory to Lidocaine and Procainamide
  6. Bretylium - Contraindications:
    None when used in management of life-threatening arrhythmias
  7. Bretylium - Precautions:
    • 1) Patients taking antihypertensive medications
    • 2) May interact with sympathomimetics to potentiate their pressor effects
    • 3) Do not use on symptomatic patients in v-tach. Proceed directly to cardioversion.
  8. Bretylium - Side effects:
    • 1) Hypotension, syncope, and bradycardia
    • 2) Increased frequency of arrhythmias
    • 3) Dizziness and vertigo
    • 4) Nausea and violent vomiting
  9. Bretylium - Adult dosage:
    • 1) V-fib/v-tach: 5 mg / kg initial bolus followed by 10 mg / kg every 15 minutes to a total of 30 mg / kg
    • 2) Refractory v-tach with pulse: 500 mg in 50 mL and infuse 10 mg / kg over 8 - 10 minutes
    • 3) Drip: 500 mg in 250 mL and infuse at 1 - 2 mg / minute
  10. Bretylium - Route:
    Rapid IV Push
  11. Bretylium - How supplied:
    Ampule: 500 mg / 10 mL
  12. Bretylium - Pediatric dosage:
    Safety in children has not been established
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Bretylium details