
  1. Atropine - Generic name:
  2. Atropine - Trade name:
  3. Atropine - Class:
    Parasympatholytic (anticholinergic)
  4. Atropine - Actions/pharmacodynamics:
    • 1) Blocks acetylcholine receptors (decreases parasympathetic tone and thus increases heart rate)
    • 2) Decreases gastrointestinal secretions
  5. Atropine - Indications:
    • 1) Symptomatic bradycardia (PVCs, hypotension, or decreased LOC)
    • 2) Asystole and symptomatic heart blocks
    • 3) Organophosphate poisoning
  6. Atropine - Contraindications:
    None when used in emergency situations
  7. Atropine - Precautions:
    • 1) Total dose of 0.04 mg / kg OR 3 mg should not be exceeded except in cases of organophosphate poisonings
    • 2) A-fib and a-flutter with rapid ventricular response
    • 3) Glaucoma and COPD: hypertension can worsen
    • 4) Use with caution in 2nd degree type II and 3rd degree heart block in AMI patients
  8. Atropine - Side effects:
    • 1) Palpitations and tachycardia
    • 2) Headache, dizziness, and anxiety
    • 3) Dry mouth, papillary dilation, and blurred vision
    • 4) Urinary retention (especially older males)
    • 5) Overdose: blind, mad, hot, red, and dry
  9. Atropine - Adult dosage:
    • 1) Bradycardia: 0.5-1.0 mg every 3-5 minutes to max
    • 2) Asystole: 1 mg every 3-5 minutes to max
    • 3) Organophosphate poisoning: 2-5 mg
    • Minimum dose: 0.5 mg
  10. Atropine - Route:
    IV, ET, or IM
  11. Atropine - How supplied:
    Prefilled syringe: 1.0 mg / 10 mL
  12. Atropine - Pediatric dosage:
    • Not indicated in newborns
    • 1) Bradycardia: 0.01-0.03 mg / kg
    • 2) Organophosphate poisoning: 0.05 mg / kg
    • Minimum dose: 0.1 mg
    • Maximum dose: 0.5 mg
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Atropine details