
  1. Amiodarone - Generic name:
  2. Amiodarone - Trade name:
  3. Amiodarone - Class:
  4. Amiodarone - Actions/pharmacodynamics:
    • 1) Prolongs action potential duration in all cardiac tissues
    • 2) Blocks sodium channels at rapid pacing frequencies
    • 3) Blocks myocardial potassium channels which slows conduction and prolongs refractory period
    • 4) Potent vasodilation
  5. Amiodarone - Indications:
    • 1) Pulseless v-tach and v-fib
    • 2) Polymorphic v-tach
    • 3) SVT refractory to Adenosine
    • 4) wide complex tachycardia of unknown etiology
  6. Amiodarone - Contraindications:
    • 1) Cardiogenic shock
    • 2) Severe sinus node dysfunction indicated by bradycardic condition (sinus bradycardia and 2nd and 3rd degree heart blocks)
    • 3) Symptomatic bradycardia
    • 4) Allergy to medication
  7. Amiodarone - Precautions:
    • 1) Use with caution in patients with latent or manifest heart failure. Exacerbates condition.
    • 2) Use with caution in renal failure patients.
  8. Amiodarone - Side effects:
    • 1) Monitor ECG
    • 2) Hypotension, possibly prolonged following conversion from v-fib
    • 3) Negative inotropic and chronotropic
    • 4) Increased ventricular beats
    • 5) Prolonged PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval
    • 6) Be alert for signs of pulmonary toxicity (dyspnea and cough)
  9. Amiodarone - Adult dosage:
    • Cardiac arrest. 1st dose: 300 mg over 5 - 10 minutes. 2nd dose: 150 mg. Maximum cumulative of 2.2 g / 24 hours.
    • Wide complex stable tachycardia. 150 mg IV push over 10 minutes (15 mg / min)
    • Slow infusion. 360 mg IV over 6 hours (1 mg / min) OR mix 100 mg in 100 mL normal saline, infuse at 1 mg / min (60 gtts / min)
  10. Amiodarone - Route:
    IV Push
  11. Amiodarone - How supplied:
    150 mg / 3 mL
  12. Amiodarone - Pediatric dosage:
    Not recommended
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Amiodarone details