Activated Charcoal

  1. Activated charcoal - Generic name:
    Activated charcoal
  2. Activated charcoal - Trade name:
    Activated charcoal
  3. Activated charcoal - Class:
  4. Activated charcoal - Actions/pharmacodynamics:
    adsorbs toxins by binding to them to prevent GI absorption
  5. Activated charcoal - Indications:
    Poisoning by mouth in patients who are not vomiting
  6. Activated charcoal - Contraindications:
    None in severe poisonings
  7. Activated charcoal - Precautions:
    • 1) Administer following emesis when indicated
    • 2) Caution in patients with altered LOC if administered PO
    • 3) Do not administer to patients who are still vomiting. The desire is to keep the medication in the stomach to maximize absorption.
  8. Activated charcoal - Side effects:
    Nausea, vomiting, and constipation
  9. Activated charcoal - Adult dosage:
    1 gm / kg (typically 50 - 75 gm) mixed in water to form slurry
  10. Activated charcoal - Route:
    PO, OG or NG
  11. Activated charcoal - How supplied:
    Bottle: 25 gm
  12. Activated charcoal - Pediatric dosage:
    Same as adult
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Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal details