science final:test questions

  1. name 2 characteristics of reptiles
    • amnoitic egg
    • toes with claws
  2. what is ectothermic metabolism?how do reptiles adjust to this metabolism?
    it is when the metabolism is too slow to make ennough heat for the body. they lie in the sun to absorb heat
  3. name 2 characteristics that allowed reptiles to become free of water
    • eggs with shells
    • scales to hold moisture
  4. what feature of lizards and snakes make them successful predators?
    their lower jaw can stretch and move in many directions
  5. how are birds similar to crocidiles?
    both have scales on feet and lay amniotic eggs
  6. 2 characteristics of modern birds
    • strong lightweight skeleton
    • endothermic metabolism
  7. what are 2 main functions of bird feathers
    • warmth
    • flight
  8. most adult echinoderms have what kind of symetry?
    5 part radial symetry
  9. Deuterostomes include all of the following except which?

    B) arthropods
  10. Sea lilies and feather stars differ from other echinoderms because their mouth

    A) is located on the upper surface
  11. a sea stars tube feet attach to surface by means of
  12. tunicates and lancelets are similar in that both

    C) are invertibrate chordates
  13. what type of charateristics showed us that early birds were similar to reptiles?
    • claws on wingss
    • teeth on beak
    • reptilian tail
    • no breastbone
  14. what is the product of double fertilization
    • endosperm
    • zygote(seed)
  15. monotremes and marsupials have limited geographical distributions beacause of
    continental drift
  16. to live on land sucessfully plant sneeded to :
    • absorb neutrients from surroundings
    • prevent bodies from drying out
    • reproduce without water to move sperm
  17. plants are complex multicellular organisms that are primarily terrestrial autotrophs
    plants are complicated multicellular things that are land living......
  18. 1 seed part
    petals in 3s
    paralle leaf veins
    branching roots
  19. 2 seed parts
    petals in 2,4,5
    branching leaf veins
    tap roots
  20. 3 seed parts
    • plant embryo: new sporophyte
    • seed coat: protects embryo
    • endosperm: nutritiuos tisse (food)
  21. soft shell, flippers, carnivourus
  22. land living, domeshell, feet, vegitarians
  23. water/land, hardshell, feet
  24. toes with claws for climbing
    dry scaly skin
    well developed lungs
    3/4 chambered heArt
    internal fertilization
    reptile characteristics
  25. hair
    diverse+specialized teeth
    endothermic metabolism
    mammal characteristics
  26. 4 types of teeth
    • incisors: biting and cutting (front teeth)
    • canines: Stabbing And holding
    • premolars: crush and grind
    • molars: ""
  27. backbone
    bilaateral symetry
    2 pairs of jointed appendages
    true coelom
    closed circulatory
    complex organ systems
    adaptions of vertebrates
  28. Lampreys vs. hagfish
    parasite, freshwater vs. scavengers, marine
  29. anterior dorsal fin
    upright, protection, spines
  30. caudal fin
    push foward
  31. pectoral and pelvic fin
    steering and balance
  32. anal fin
  33. posterior dorsal fin
    upright and balance
  34. 2 pr legs per segment
    round body
    short antenna
    plant eaters
    dont bite
    simple eyes
    move slow
  35. 1 pr legs per segment
    flat body
    long antenna
    meat eaters
    simple eyes
    move fast
  36. visceral mass
    3 part body plan of mollusks
  37. Squid
    chambered nautilis
    • internal shell
    • no shell
    • external shell
  38. 2 main characteristics of sponge
    • sessile
    • filled with holes,pores
  39. multicellularity
    sex. reproduction
    characteristics of mammals
  40. level of organization from smallest to largest
    • 1-cell
    • 2-tissus
    • 3-organ
    • 4-system
  41. why doesnt a flatworm have a respitory or circulatory system?
    because cells are so closse to exterior-- absorb air thru skin
  42. do tapeworms have a digestive system?y?
    their hosts digest it
  43. what do arthropods share with annelids ?
    • true ceolom
    • segmented body
  44. how is arthropod's exoskeleton grown?
    it must be shed+ regrown to increase size
  45. jointed appandages
    distinct head with eyes
    open circulatory system
    general characteristics of Artropods
  46. not all spiders spin webs but all spiders make silk which may be used to capture prey
Card Set
science final:test questions
bio test questions