Nouns Stack 4

  1. exposition
    • noun
    • an explanation or expounding
  2. exopus
    • noun
    • departure, usually refering to a group or large numbers
  3. excerpt
    • noun
    • passage quoted from a book or other document
  4. etiquette
    • noun
    • generally accepted rules of social behavior and manners
  5. essence
    • noun
    • basic nature
  6. era
    • noun
    • a period of time, usually of significant length, identified by particular conditions, events or the influence of a person or group
  7. epoch
    • noun
    • a particular period of history, especially one reqarding in some way as remarkable or significant
  8. epitome
    • noun
    • a top-level representation of a quality, usually a virtue
  9. environment
    • noun
    • general surroudings, either physical or referring to influences
  10. enterprise
    • noun
    • an important project or selfsufficient organization
  11. enigma
    • noun
    • mystery
  12. elite
    • noun
    • a part of a whole that is considered to be at or near the top
  13. egotist
    • noun
    • self centered person
  14. effluvium
    • noun
    • a disagreeable or bad-smelling vapor or gas
  15. drought
    • noun
    • long period of dry weather or conditions
  16. dissent
    • noun
    • difference of opinion, especially from a widely held opinion
  17. discretion
    • noun
    • freedom of choice; also refers to a judicious reserve in one's speech or behavior
  18. descrepancy
    • noun
    • inconsistency or error
  19. discord
    • noun
    • disagreement, often noisy
  20. directive
    • noun
    • a general order or instruction
  21. din
    • noun
    • loud, pervasive continuous noise
  22. dilemma
    • noun
    • situation requiring a choice between two or more deeply held values, or between two or more unpleasant courses of action
  23. disain
    • noun
    • arrogant scorn or contempt
  24. discernment
    • noun
    • insight; ability to see things clearly
  25. diction
    • noun
    • the way in which words are used by a speaker
  26. diagnosis
    • noun
    • anaylisis or determination of the cause of a disease or problem
  27. detriment
    • noun
    • damage loss, or disadvantage
  28. destiny
    • noun
    • predetermined fate
  29. depravity
    • noun
    • moral corruption
  30. depot
    • noun
    • warehouse, large storage place
  31. deluge
    • noun
    • great flood or over whelming inflow
  32. deference
    • noun
    • conceding to another's desire or will; respect or courtesy
  33. debut
    • noun
    • first appearance, especially before an audience
  34. debacle
    • noun
    • large-scale defeat or complete failure
  35. dearth
    • noun
    • scarcity or lack of something
  36. data
    • noun
    • facts or information
  37. cynic
    • noun
    • one who mocks or disbelieves the good intentions or values of others; one who believes peole are motivated only by selfishness
  38. crux
    • noun
    • the essential point or central part
  39. criterion
    • noun
    • standard of judment or comparison
  40. condundrum
    • noun
    • a perplexing puzzle of riddle
  41. context
    • noun
    • the words or ideas surrounding one particular word or idea that give clues or contribute depth to the word's meaning
  42. consensus
    • noun
    • general or group agreement
  43. connoisseur
    • noun
    • an expert judge of the bst of something, such as wine, food, paintings, etc.
  44. condolence
    • noun
    • expession of sympathy to one who has suffered a loss
  45. clemency
    • noun
    • mercy
  46. clamor
    • noun
    • uproar
  47. chronology
    • noun
    • an order or listing of events, either written or spoken, in the order in which they happened
  48. chronicle
    • noun
    • historical record or listing, usually insequential, chronological order
  49. chagrin
    • noun
    • embarassment or disappointment
  50. catastrophe
    • noun
    • sudden disaster
  51. caste
    • noun
    • social class or category
  52. camoulage
    • noun
    • something that conceals people or things from the enemy by making them blend into their surroundings
  53. caliber
    • noun
    • literally refers to size; figuratively when referring to the quality of something or someone
  54. cacophony
    • noun
    • a harsh or unpleasent mixture of sounds, voices, or words
  55. bulwark
    • noun
    • strong protection or barrier to enemy attacks
  56. brochure
    • noun
    • pamphlet
  57. brevity
    • noun
    • shortness, conciseness
  58. brawl
    • noun
    • a noisy fight
  59. boon
    • noun
    • benefit or gift
  60. bondage
    • noun
    • slavery
  61. blemish
    • noun
    • defect, stain, or flaw that takes away from the quality of the rest of the area or item
  62. blasphemy
    • noun
    • an insult to something held sacred
  63. bigot
    • noun
    • a person who is prejudiced against someone else becasue of their race, skin color, relegion, gender, and so forth; also a person who is intolerant of others with different opinions or beliefs
  64. bias
    • noun
    • prejudice or tendancy on a certain direction; literally, a slant or tilt
  65. benediction
    • noun
    • blessing; often given at the end of an event, ceremony, or religious service
  66. beacon
    • noun
    • a guiding light to show the way or mark a spot
  67. bastion
    • noun
    • stronghold, fortrese, fortified place against opposition
  68. awe
    • noun
    • deep feeling of respect and wonder
  69. avarice
    • noun
    • greed, desire for wealth
  70. audacity
    • noun
    • boldness
  71. atlas
    • noun
    • book of maps
  72. arbiter
    • noun
    • one who decides; a judge
  73. apex
    • noun
    • highest point
  74. apathy
    • noun
    • indifference or lack of caring
  75. anthology
    • noun
    • collection of writings, songs, or other creative works
  76. anomaly
    • noun
    • an abnormality or irregularity
  77. animosity
    • noun
    • bitter hostility or open hatred
  78. anecdote
    • noun
    • a brief, entertaining story
  79. anarchy
    • noun
    • lawlessness, disorder; a lack of government control or effectiveness
  80. amity
    • noun
    • friendship
  81. allusion
    • noun
    • an indirect reference to something else, especially in literature; a hint
  82. alias
    • noun
    • an assumed name or pseudonym, used for purposed of deception as a pen name, or the like
  83. alacrity
    • noun
    • cheerful willingness or ready response
  84. agenda
    • noun
    • list of items to accomplish or discuss
  85. affluence
    • noun
    • wealth or abundance
  86. advocate
    • noun
    • one who speaks in favor of or on behalf of another
  87. adversary
    • noun
    • enemy, opponent
  88. adage
    • noun
    • wise prover or saying
  89. accord
    • noun
    • agreement
  90. access
    • noun
    • a means of approach or admittance
  91. aberration
    • noun
    • a deviation from the standard; not typical
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Nouns Stack 4
Nouns Stack 4