
  1. Innate Immunity
    Natural or Native immunity
  2. Normal Flora
    A spectrum of nonpathogenic microorganisms
  3. Chemotactic Factors
    Diffuse a site of inflammation and attract phagocytic cells to that site.
  4. Kinin System
    Closely with coagulation system
  5. Bradykinin
    • Dilation of BV
    • Works with Prostaglandins for PAIN
    • Smooth muscle cell to contraction
    • Increases vascular permablilty
  6. Fribrinolytic System
    Limit size of the clot and remove the clot after bleeding has ceased
  7. Lymphocytes
    • Natural killer
    • Acquired immune response; B and T Cells
  8. Cytokines
    • Proinflamatory or anti-inflammatory
    • Short distances
    • Fever
    • Enchance response
  9. Interleukins
    Macrophages and lymphocytes due to PRR
  10. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha
    • Secreted by macrophages in response to TLR
    • Fever
    • Sythesis of inflammation
    • thrombosis
  11. Interferons
    Limit spread of the virus
  12. Mast Cells
    Located in loose CT close to BV
  13. Histamine
    • Temp, rapid constriction of sm. muscle and dilation
    • Increased blood Flow
    • Vascular permiablility
  14. Leukotrines
    • Histamine like effects:
    • Sm. muscle contraction
    • Increased vascular permeablilty
    • Later Stage
  15. Prostaglandins
    • Increased vascular permeability
    • Neutrophil chemotaxis
    • Pain on nerves
  16. Neutrophil
    • Phagocyte in early inflammation
    • Purelent or Pus
  17. Macrophages
    Clean up debris by phagocytosis
  18. Phagocytes
    Neutrophils and Macrophages
  19. Chemotaxis
    Directed migration
  20. Acute Inflammation
    Vascular changes
  21. Serous Exudate
    • Early or mild inflammation
    • Watery
    • Few plasma protein or leukocyte
    • ie. blister
  22. Fibrinous Exudate
    • Thick and clotted
    • ie lungs of ind. w/pnuemonia
  23. Purulent Exudate
    • Large # of leukocytes accum.
    • consits of pus
    • Cysts or abscess
  24. Hemmorrhagic Exudate
    • Bleeding occurs
    • filled w/erythrocytes
  25. Fever
    • Cytokines
    • Endogenous pyrogens
  26. Pyrogens
    Act on hypothalamus aka thermastat
  27. Leukocytosis
    Increase in # of WBC
  28. Chronic Inflammation
    • Lasting longer than 2 weeks
    • ie. splinter and glass
  29. Granuloma
    Wall off and isolate
  30. Inflammatory phase
    • Coagulation and infiltation of cells that participate in wound healing
    • Platelets, neutrophils, and macrophages
  31. Proliferation Phase
    Macrophage recruitment of fibroblasts
  32. Wound Contraction
    Extensions from the PM of myfibroblas establish connections between neighboring cells.
  33. Dehiscence
    wound pulls apart at suture line
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Chapter 5 Inflammation and Wound Healing