Nouns Stack 2

  1. Roster
    • noun
    • list of names
  2. reverence
    • noun
    • a feeling of great respect, usually religious in nature
  3. resume
    • noun
    • a written summary of work, education, and accomplishments, usually compiled for purposes of getting a particular job.
  4. respite
    • noun
    • a temporary break, usually one that brings relief
  5. resources
    • noun
    • assets that are available for use, either material or spiritual
  6. residue
    • noun
    • the remainder of something after removal of a part; usually implies a small amount left, perhaps in a container, after the majority is removed
  7. reserve
    • noun
    • a fighting force kept uncommitted until the need arises
  8. reprobate
    • noun
    • a wicked, sinful, deproved person
  9. reprisal
    • noun
    • retaliation for real or perceived injuries; often implies giving back more than was originally received
  10. reprimand
    • noun
    • severe scolding or rebuke, usually from a superior to a subordinate
  11. replica
    • noun
    • an exact copy of facsimile of something, although it may only be proportionate and not the same size
  12. renown
    • noun
    • fame or wide acclaim, especially for accomplishments or skill
  13. rendezvous
    • noun
    • a meeting or location for a meeting
  14. renaissance/renascence
    • noun
    • a rebirth or revival; someone who is skilled in many different areas of learning
  15. remorse
    • noun
    • regret or guilt
  16. remnant
    • noun
    • remaining or left-over part of something
  17. refuge
    • noun
    • a place to which one can go for protection or separation from difficulty
  18. rarity
    • noun
    • something that is infrequent or not commonly encountered
  19. repport
    • noun
    • a harmonious or mutually trusting relationship
  20. rampart
    • noun
    • a fortification; bulwark or defense against attack
  21. query
    • noun
    • a question or request for information
  22. quandary
    • noun
    • deep uncertainty or indecision about a choice between two or more courses or action; a dilemma
  23. qualm
    • noun
    • doubt or unease about some action or situation
  24. quagmire
    • noun
    • literally, a bog or swamp that impedes movement or in which people or vehicles could be stuck or mired; figuratively, a difficult or dangerous situation from which there is limited hope of escape
  25. pundit
    • noun
    • a knowledgeable person in a particular field; can also refer to a communicator who publicizes his opinions, whether or not he is actually an expert in that field
  26. pun
    • noun
    • a play on words that depends on two or more different meanings or sounds of the same word or phrase
  27. pseudonym
    • noun
    • an assumed name, usually a "pen name" taken by an author
  28. proximity
    • noun
    • nearness
  29. prowess
    • noun
    • strength or superior ability
  30. proviso
    • noun
    • a requirement that something specific is done, usually in writing
  31. prospect
    • noun
    • possibility for the future
  32. propinquity
    • noun
    • nearness
  33. prodigy
    • noun
    • an extremely talented or gifted child
  34. process
    • noun
    • a system or design for accomplishing a goal or objective
  35. probity
    • noun
    • integrity, uprightness, honesty
  36. priority
    • noun
    • something that comes before others in significance or importance
  37. pretext
    • noun
    • a reason given as a coverup for the real purpose for an action
  38. prestige
    • noun
    • respect or status achieved through achievement or rank
  39. premium
    • noun
    • best quality; can also refer to an amount added to the usual price or payment
  40. premise
    • noun
    • a statement or assumption from which a conclusion is drawn
  41. prelude
    • noun
    • something that is preliminary to some act or even that is more important
  42. preface
    • noun
    • introductory statement or passage to a book, speech or other communication
  43. predicament
    • noun
    • unpleasent problem or situation, usually one that is difficult to escape
  44. predecessor
    • noun
    • someone or something that came before another
  45. precedent
    • noun
    • event or law that serves as an example for later action
  46. posterity
    • noun
    • future descendents or generations
  47. populace
    • noun
    • the people living in a certain area; middle and lower class citezens
  48. poise
    • noun
    • calm and controlled behavior
  49. plight
    • noun
    • an unfavorable condition or situation
  50. plateau
    • noun
    • an elevated, relatively level expanse of land; also can refer to a level-ing-off of progress of results
  51. pittance
    • noun
    • very small amount, usually referring to money
  52. pitfall
    • noun
    • trap or obstacle for the unwary
  53. pinnacle
    • noun
    • highest point
  54. pilgimage
    • noun
    • long journey to some place or condition worthy of respect or devotion
  55. physique
    • noun
    • the build or physical condition of a human body
  56. phobia
    • noun
    • an unreasonable fear of something
  57. philanthropy
    • noun
    • love of mankind, usually exemplified by donations to charitable causes
  58. phenomenon
    • noun
    • an unusual, noticable or outstanding occurrence that is directly perceived by the senses or by results
  59. peer
    • noun
    • an equal in age, social standing, professional rank, or ability
  60. pedagogue
    • noun
    • a strict, overly academic teacher or speaker
  61. pauper
    • noun
    • a very poor person
  62. paucity
    • noun
    • scurcity of a resource or condition
  63. pathology
    • noun
    • the science of diseases; any deviation from a normal, healthy condition
  64. pastime
    • noun
    • a way of spending leisure time
  65. partisan
    • noun
    • one who supports a particular cause, person, or idea
  66. parsimony
    • noun
    • stinginess or overzealous desire to be thrifty
  67. paradox
    • noun
    • a statement that contradicts or appears to contradict itself
  68. panorama
    • noun
    • an unobstructed view of a wide area
  69. panacea
    • noun
    • a cure for all problems or diseases
  70. overture
    • noun
    • first step, usually one that is intended to lead to others in action or discussion
  71. oversight
    • noun
    • an omission through error or carelesness; also can refer to situation where on person or group supervises the activities of another, usually lossely
  72. ovation
    • noun
    • applause of an audience, or any enthsiastically positive reception accompanied by applause
  73. optimum
    • noun
    • the best possible condition or combination of factors
  74. omen
    • noun
    • a sign or event believed to fortell the future
  75. odyssey
    • noun
    • a long journey, usually containing challenges or obstacles
  76. obscure
    • noun
    • unclear, clouded, partially hidden
  77. oblivion
    • noun
    • a condition of complete ignorance; forgetfulness, or unawareness
  78. objective
    • noun
    • a goal
  79. oasis
    • noun
    • an isolated place or area of comfort surrounded by desolation or barrenness
  80. nostalgia
    • noun
    • desire to return to a past experience or situation
  81. nomad
    • noun
    • wanderer
  82. niche
    • noun
    • literally, a recess in a wall for holding a statue or other ornament; figuratively, an appropriate activity or situation that is especially well suited to a person's abilities or character
  83. neophyte
    • noun
    • a beginner
  84. negligence
    • noun
    • carelessness
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Nouns Stack 2
Nouns Stack 2