Army Programs

  1. What does ASAP stand for?
    Army Substance Abuse Program
  2. What is the mission of ASAP?
    The ASAP’s mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers.
  3. What are the objectives of ASAP?
    • Increase individual fitness and overall unit readiness.
    • Provide services, which are adequate and responsive to the needs of the total workforce and emphasize alcohol
    • and other drug abuse deterrence, prevention, education, and treatment.
    • Implement alcohol and other drug risk reduction and prevention strategies that respond to potential problems
    • before they jeopardize readiness, productivity, and careers.
    • Restore to duty those substance-impaired Soldiers who have the potential for continued military service.
    • Provide effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and education at all levels of command, and encourage
    • commanders to provide alcohol and drug-free leisure activities.
    • Ensure all military and civilian personnel assigned to ASAP staff are appropriately trained and experienced to
    • accomplish their mission.
    • Achieve maximum productivity and reduce absenteeism and attrition among DA civilian employees by reducing
    • the effects of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
    • Improve readiness by extending services to the total Army.
    • Ensure quality customer service.
  4. What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol?
    Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contests, games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests.
  5. What army Regulation covers ASAP?
    AR 600-85
  6. Is ASAP participation mandatory for Individuals that are command referred?
    ASAP participation is mandatory for all Soldiers who are command referred. Failure to attend a mandatory counseling session may constitute a violation of Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
  7. What will happen to Soldiers who fail to participate in or fail to respond successfully to rehabilitation?
    Soldiers who fail to participate adequately in, or to respond successfully to,rehabilitation will be processed for administrative separation and not be provided another opportunity for rehabilitation except under the most extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the CD in consultation with the unit commander.
  8. What are the ways that Soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem?
    • Voluntary (self-identification)
    • Commander / Supervisor Identification
    • Biochemical Identification
    • Medical Identification
    • Investigation and or Apprehension
  9. What are the objectives of rehabilitation with ASAP?
    • Return Soldiers to full duty as soon as possible.
    • Identify Soldiers who cannot be rehabilitated within the scope of this regulation and to advise their unit commanders.
    • Assist and refer Soldiers who cannot be rehabilitated in the ASAP to a treatment facility in the vicinity where they reside after discharge from the Army.
    • Help resolve alcohol and other drug abuse problems in the family, with the ultimate goal of enabling the Soldier to perform more effectively.
  10. What are the objectives of bio-chemical testing (also called a urinalysis)?
    • The objectives of Army’s Biochemical Testing Program are to:
    • Deter Soldiers, including those members on initial entry on AD after enlistment or appointment, from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs, other illicit substances, and prescribed medication).
    • Facilitate early identification of alcohol and/or other drug abuse.
    • Enable commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their units, and to use information obtained to take appropriate action (for example, UCMJ, administrative, or other actions, including referral to the ASAP counseling center for screening, evaluation, and possible treatment).
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Army Programs
Army Programs