cj 300 ch2

  1. intersubjective-
    • involving or occurring between separate conscious minds.
    • INTERSUBJECTIVE AGREEMENT: norm of science where different researchers studying the same problem arrive at the same
    • conclusion.

  2. objectivity-
    • quality of being objective.(consistent with agreement reality from ch.1)
  3. systematic-
    • done or acting according to a fixed plan or system.
  4. subjective-
    • based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
    • SUBJECTIVITY- judgement based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than facts.

  5. empirical-
    • based on concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
  6. theory-
    • a systematic explanation for observed facts and laws that describe and predict.( systematic explanation for observed facts and laws that relate to a particular aspect of life)
  7. hypothesis-
    • a specified expectation about empirical reality derived from propositions.
    • hypothesis testing- observations aimed at finding out..

  8. paradigm-
    • a fundamental perspective or model that organizes our view of the world.
    • (general point of view--> a frame of reference or paradigm)
  9. *review : inductive reasoning-
    • particular instances to general principles, from facts to theories.
    • induction-one starts from observed data and develops a generalization that explains the relationships between the objects observed.
  10. *review: deductive reasoning-
    • from general to the particular, applying a theory to a particular case.
    • (deduction) reason towards observation.
  11. tentative-
    • not fully worked out, not certain or fixed.
Card Set
cj 300 ch2
key words! important words!