Physiology of Oriental Medicine test 1

  1. Xue
  2. Jin-Ye
    Body Fluids
  3. Jing
  4. Wei Qi
    Defensive Qi
  5. Xieh Qi
    Evil Qi
  6. Liu Qi
    The six climate factors causing bad Qi
  7. Li Qi
    Epidemic Qi (allergies, chemical irritants, etc.)
  8. Zheng Qi
    Correct or upright Qi
  9. Shen
    Spirit or Mind
  10. I Ching
    • Book from 700 BC about the graphic pattern of change in the environment
    • I = change Ching = classic
  11. Zang
    Yin organs
  12. Fu
    Yang organs
  13. San Jiao
    Triple Warmer
  14. What are the 4 rules of Tao?
    • 1. Tao is the source of all things (manifests as nature)
    • 2. Non-personal (concept)
    • 3. Intimate/Immediate => source
    • 4. "The Way" Tao => nature => human beings
  15. What is Tao Te Ching?
    Book written 600 BC by Lao Tzu about Tao. "The Way Virtue Classic"
  16. What is Huang Di Hei Jing?
    • Book written by Yellow Emperor "Yellow Emperor Inner Classic"
    • Part 1: Simple Questions... why do people get sick?
    • Part 2: Spiritual Pivit
  17. 5 substances of the body
    • 1. Qi
    • 2. Blood
    • 3. Body Fluids
    • 4. Essence
    • 5. Spirit/Mind
  18. 6 functions of Qi
    • 1. Transforming
    • 2. Containment
    • 3. Raising
    • 4. Protection/Defense
    • 5. Warming
    • 6. Transportation
  19. ________ is a lack of free flow of Qi.
  20. Qi is the _________ of the blood.
  21. Blood is the _________ of Qi.
  22. 4 pathologies of Qi
    • 1. Qi Xu (deficiency)
    • 2. Qi Sinking
    • 3. Qi Stagnation
    • 4. Qi rebellion/counterflow of Qi
  23. What are the 6 Liu Qi (environmental factors)?
    • 1. Cold
    • 2. Heat
    • 3. Damp
    • 4. Dry
    • 5. Wind
    • 6. Summer Heat (humidity)
  24. spleen - yin
    stomach - yang
  25. stomach - yang
    spleen - yin
  26. heart - yin
    sm. intentine - yang
  27. sm. intestine - yang
    heart - yin
  28. lung - yin
    lg. intestine - yang
  29. lg intestine - yang
    lung - yin
  30. kidney - yin
    urinary bladder - yang
  31. urinary bladder - yang
    kidney - yin
  32. liver - yin
    gall bladder - yang
  33. gall bladder - yang
    liver - yin
  34. pericardium - yin
    triple warmer - yang
  35. triple warmer - yin
    pericardium - yang
  36. What does the Spleen store?
    GI Qi
  37. What does the Liver store?
    Xue (blood)
  38. What does the Kidney store?
    Jing (essence)
  39. What does the Heart store?
    Shen (spirit or mind)
  40. organs of the Upper Jiao
    • heart
    • lungs
  41. organs of the Middle Jiao
    • spleen-stomach
    • liver-gall bladder
    • parts of SI-LI
  42. organs of the Lower Jiao
    • Kidney-urinary bladder
    • Small intestine-large intestine
    • reproductive system
  43. 6 laws of Yin-Yang
    • 1. universal opposition
    • 2. interdependent
    • 3. intertransformation
    • 4. subdivision
    • 5. balance
    • 6. intercourse
  44. Shi
  45. Xu
Card Set
Physiology of Oriental Medicine test 1
review of Tao, Qi and Yin-Yang theory