
  1. Adaptive funeral rite(Non-tradtional Funeral Rite)
    altered to suit the needs of the family or trends of the time
  2. Agrarian
    dealing with agriculture, farm based. The locale of the extended (joint) family system.
  3. Anonymity
    a situation in which a person or entity is unknown
  4. blended family
    a household or family unit created by one male and one female and the children from their previous marriages and may include children from the present marriage.
  5. bureaucratization
    the creation of a system hich governs through departements and subdivisions managed by sets of officials following an inflexible routine
  6. ceremony (ritual)
    an instrumental action dealing with death, that is also expressional and that may or may not be charged with symbolic content expressing, among other things, the attitudes of the participants and possible onlookers (passive participants) who may be regarded as co-beneficiaries.
  7. class
    a social grouing in which members possess roughly equivalent culturally valued attributes
  8. cohabitants
    two unrelated adults of he opposite sex sharing the same living quarters
  9. contemporary
    living or happening in the same period
  10. cultural relativism
    the emotional attitude that all cultures are equal and pertinent
  11. cultural universal
    like abstract patterns of an for living and dying, which ar identifiale in all cultures
  12. culture
    consists of abstract patterns (the rules, ideas, beliefs shared by members of society) of and for living and dying, which are learned directly or indirectly
  13. customs
    social behavior as dictated by the tradition of the people
  14. demographic
    pertaining to demography; the science of vital statistics, or of births, deaths, marriages etc of populations
  15. direct learning
    the accquiring of the culture by a person through deliberate instruction by other members of that society
  16. egalitarian
    male and female have equal rights, duties and governing power
  17. enculturation (socialization)
    the method by which the social values are internalized (learned)
  18. ethnic
    any of the basic divisions or groups of humankind distinguised by customs, characteristics and languages, rather than physical characteristics of race
  19. ethnocentrism
    the emotional attitude that one's own race, nation, group, or culture is superior to all others
  20. extended (joint) family
    a household or family unit consisting of father and mother, all their children (except married daughters), their son's wives and children (except married daughters)
  21. folkways
    behaviors which are construed as somewhat less compulsive than mores of the same society; and do not call for a stong reaction from the society if violated
  22. funeral
    rite with the body present
  23. funeral rite
    an all inclusive term used to encompass all funerals and or memorial services
  24. funeralization
    a process involving all activities associated with final disposition
  25. humanistic funeral rite
    a funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation
  26. immediate disposition
    any disposition of human remains, which is completely devoid of any form of funeral rite at the time of disposition
  27. indirect learning
    a process by which a person learns the norms of his or her culture by observation of others in his or her society
  28. industrilization
    individual crafting of products is replaced by manufacture of goods utilizing mass production techniques
  29. law
    a must behavior not necessarily a basic or important pattern of a people (related to death) but one which is enforced by those governing; a rule of action prescived by an authority able to enforce its will
  30. matriarchal
    the mother rules the family; a woman holding a position analogous to that of a patriarch
  31. memorial service
    funeral rites with the body not present
  32. mobility
    the stat or quality of being mobile; the ability to move from place to place readily, or to move from class to class, either up or down
  33. modern
    of or characteristic of the present or recent times; not ancient, often used to designate certiain contemporary tendencies
  34. modified extended family
    a household or family unit created by related nuclear families and or friendships
  35. mores
    must behavior; the basic and important patterns of ideas and acts of a people as related to treatement of the dead, which calls for a stong reaction from the society if violated
  36. neo-localism
    the tendency of offspring to move away from the area in which they were born
  37. non-traditional funeral rite
    a funeral rite that deviates from the normal or prescribed circumstances of established custom
  38. nuclear family
    a household or family unit consisting of one man and - one woman married to each other and their children, if any
  39. patriarchal
    the father rules the family; power is passed to he oldest male child
  40. pre-literate society
    a culture developed before the invention of writing; hence, leaving no written record
  41. religion
    a culturally entrenced pattern of behavior made up of: 10 sacred beliefs, 2) emotional feelings accompanying the beliefs and 3) overt conduct presumably implementing the beliefs and feelings
  42. rite
    any event performed in a solemn and prescribed manner
  43. rites of passage
    ceremonies centering around transition in life from one status to another (ex. Baptism, marriage and the funeral)
  44. rules
    specified methods of procedures
  45. single parent family
    a household or family unit consiting of one adult, either male or female, and his/her children
  46. social/society
    a group of persons formin a single community with some interests in common
  47. social function
    an event that allows those who have something in common with each other to deal with one another in regard to that which they share
  48. social mobility
    the upward or downward movement of a person or family within the social classes of their society
  49. social stratification
    catergorization of people by money, prestige and power; a ranking of social status (position) in groups such as upper, middle and lower class
  50. society
    a group of persons forming a single community with some interests in common
  51. sociology
    the science of social groups; the processes that tend to maintain or change these forms of organizations and the relations between groups and individuals
  52. subculture
    a division, or smaller identifiable unit of culture, connected to that culture by common traits, having unique traits to itself
  53. symbols
    things to which socially created meaning is given
  54. taboos
    must behaviors that dictates the individual must abstain from certain acts dealing with death
  55. traditional funeral rite
    a funeral rite that follows a prescribed ritual or ceremony that may be dicated either by religious belief or social custom
  56. urbanization
    the change from rural to urban in character
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glossary words