
  1. zealous
    • adj.
    • enthusiastically devoted to a cause or idea
  2. willful
    • adj.
    • deliberate, obstinate, insistant on having one's own way
  3. voluminous
    • adj.
    • very large, spacious
  4. volatile
    • adj.
    • highly unstable, explosive
  5. virulent
    • adj.
    • malignant, malicious, full of hate
  6. verbose
    • adj.
    • wordy, overly talkative
  7. vehement
    • adj.
    • strong, urgent, passionate
  8. unprecedented
    • adj.
    • happening for the first time; never seen before
  9. uniform
    • adj.
    • consistent throughout; the same for everyone or in every situation
  10. timid
    • adj.
    • shy, afraid of attention
  11. tentative
    • adj.
    • temporary; uncertain; experimental
  12. tenacious
    • adj.
    • dogged or determined in the persuit of an objective
  13. temperate
    • adj.
    • moderate or restrained
  14. tedious
    • adj.
    • boring, overly detailed for no reason
  15. tangible
    • adj.
    • touchable, not imagined or figurative
  16. taciturn
    • adj.
    • untalkative by nature
  17. superficial
    • adj.
    • on the surface only; shallow; not thorough
  18. supercilious
    • adj.
    • naughty, insultingly patronizing
  19. subtle
    • adj.
    • not obvious; aslo able to make fine distinctions
  20. stringent
    • adj.
    • scrict or restrictive
  21. stoic
    • adj.
    • outwardly inderfferent to circumstances, especially to bad or challenging times
  22. static
    • adj.
    • stationary or unmoving
  23. solemn
    • adj.
    • grave; serious
  24. skeptical
    • adj.
    • doubting
  25. servile
    • adj.
    • submissive and subservient
  26. scrupulous
    • adj.
    • strict or careful in an ethical sense
  27. scanty
    • adj.
    • inadequate, minimal
  28. sage
    • adj.
    • wise or knowledgeable, usually from experience
  29. saccharine
    • adj.
    • overly sweet or flattering
  30. rigorous
    • adj.
    • strict, harsh, severe
  31. reticent
    • adj.
    • restrained, uncommunicative
  32. resolute
    • adj.
    • firm, determinded, unwavering in the face of challenges or obstacles
  33. reprehensible
    • adj.
    • worthy of blame; disgraceful
  34. relevant
    • adj.
    • important to the matter at hand; pertinent
  35. redundant
    • adj.
    • repetitive, unnecessary
  36. recalcitrant
    • adj.
    • stubbornly defient of authority or control
  37. prudent
    • adj.
    • careful, wisely cautious
  38. provocative
    • adj.
    • exciting; attracting attention or sparking controversy
  39. provincial
    • adj.
    • limited in out look to one's own small area; narrow; implies that the person also thinks that the rest of the world is just like his or her limited experience
  40. prosaic
    • adj.
    • dull, unimaginative
  41. profuse
    • adj.
    • extravagant, free flowing
  42. profound
    • adj.
    • deep, insightful
  43. prodigious
    • adj.
    • enormous, of extraordinary size
  44. prodigal
    • adj.
    • extravagant, rebellious, wasteful
  45. pretentious
    • adj.
    • pompous, self-important
  46. pragmatic
    • adj.
    • practical, based on experience rather than theory
  47. pivotal
    • adj.
    • crucial, result changing
  48. pious
    • adj.
    • reverent or devout; depending on context, can also mean falsely derout
  49. pervasive
    • adj.
    • a quality of being present throughout; permeating
  50. peripheral
    • adj.
    • unimportant, of little consequence
  51. pedestrian
    • adj.
    • common, ordinary
  52. orthodox
    • adj.
    • convenitional, adhering to extablished principle or practices, especially in religious matters
  53. obscure
    • adj.
    • unclear, clouded, parially hidden; hard to understand
  54. objective
    • adj.
    • without bias, analizing logically based on facts
  55. novel
    • adj.
    • new or original
  56. marred
    • adj.
    • damaged or scarred
  57. lucid
    • adj.
    • clear, easily understandable
  58. lax
    • adj.
    • careless, negligent, not diligent
  59. laudable
    • adj.
    • worthy of praise
  60. ironic
    • adj.
    • marked by an unexpected difference b/t what might be expected and what actually happens; usually words so as to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; satiric
  61. irascible
    • adj.
    • irritable
  62. insipid
    • adj.
    • dull, meaningless, empty
  63. innocuous
    • adj.
    • harmless, insignificant
  64. innate
    • adj.
    • inborn, inherent
  65. infamous
    • adj.
    • having a bad reputation; disgraceful
  66. inevitable
    • adj.
    • unavoidable, especially when referring to a result of a course of action or decision
  67. indulgent
    • adj.
    • lenient, giving in to momentary desires or whims
  68. indifferent
    • adj.
    • not caring one way or the other; can also mean "mediocre"
  69. incongruous
    • adj.
    • inconsistent or inappropriate
  70. incoherent
    • adj.
    • jumbled, hard to understand
  71. incessant
    • adj.
    • unceasing, never-ending; usually implies an unpleasent condition
  72. inadvertent
    • adj.
    • accidental
  73. impartial
    • adj.
    • fair; unbiased, neutral
  74. immutable
    • adj.
    • unchaneable, permanent
  75. hypothetical
    • adj.
    • unproven; used as a theretical example for the pupose of discussion
  76. hedonistic
    • adj.
    • pleasure seeking, overly indulgent
  77. hackneyed
    • adj.
    • overused trite
  78. gullible
    • adj.
    • overly trusting; willing to believe anything
  79. futile
    • adj.
    • hopeless, without effect or result
  80. furtive
    • adj.
    • secretive, trying to remain hidden
  81. frivolous
    • adj.
    • not serious; with levity; inconsequential
  82. fortuitous
    • adj.
    • luckily coincidental; accidentally advantageous
  83. flagrant
    shocking or outrageous violation of a custom, expectation, rule, or law
  84. fickle
    • adj.
    • not faithful or consistent; unpredictable
  85. fastidious
    • adj.
    • meticulous; insistent on attention to detail
  86. fanatical
    • adj.
    • extremely devoted to or passionate about a cause or idea
  87. fallacious
    • adj.
    • false
  88. extraneous
    • adj.
    • irrelevant, extra, unnecessary
  89. expidient
    meeting an immediate need; also, self-serving or granting immediate advantage
  90. exhaustive
    • adj.
    • very thorough and complete with great attention to detail
  91. exemplary
    • adj.
    • setting a superior example; outstanding
  92. esoteric
    • adj.
    • hard to understand; cryptic
  93. ephemeral
    • adj.
    • short-lived, fleeting, temporary
  94. elusive
    • adj.
    • hard to capture or pin down; can mean evasive
  95. elaborate
    • adj.
    • a result of great effor and attention to detail
  96. eccentric
    • adj.
    • unconventional, irregular
  97. dubious
    • adj.
    • doubtful or uncertain
  98. dogmatic
    • adj.
    • arrogantly or averconfidently claiming the truth of unproven ideas, or claiming that a belief system is beyond dispute
  99. diverse
    • adj.
    • varied
  100. dispassionate
    • adj.
    • without emotion; neutral
  101. disparate
    • adj.
    • different, varied; often with a connotation of incompatible
  102. diligent
    • adj.
    • hardworking
  103. diffident
    • adj.
    • timid; lacking in self-confidence
  104. didactic
    • adj.
    • instructive
  105. cryptic
    • adj.
    • mysterious, hard to understand
  106. credulous
    • adj.
    • believing something outrageous; gullible
  107. contrite
    • adj.
    • genuinely and deeply apologetic or remorseful
  108. conspicuous
    • adj.
    • obvious, standing out, very noticeable
  109. congenial
    • adj.
    • agreeably pleasant
  110. concise
    • adj.
    • succinct; brief and direct
  111. conciliatory
    • adj.
    • peacemaking
  112. compliant
    • adj.
    • yielding, submissive
  113. complacent
    • adj.
    • smug, self-satisfied, content with the current situation
  114. caustic
    • adj.
    • like acid or corrosive; aslo, a very sharp or cutting insult or comment
  115. candid
    • adj.
    • honest, forthright, frank
  116. blithe
    • adj.
    • carefree, cheerful
  117. benign
    • adj.
    • gentle; not harmful
  118. benovolent
    • adj.
    • kind, generous
  119. beligerent
    • adj.
    • combative, quarrelsome
  120. banal
    • adj.
    • unoriginal, ordinary to a fault, boring
  121. authentic
    • adj.
    • real, genuine
  122. austere
    • adj.
    • unadorned, forbiddingly bare
  123. auspicious
    • adj.
    • favorable, seeming to point toward good results
  124. astute
    • adj.
    • perceptive, intellegent
  125. ascetic
    • adj.
    • austene, self-denying
  126. articulate
    • adj.
    • well-spoken, having a good command of the language
  127. arrogant
    • adj.
    • feeling superior to others and not hiding your high opinion of yourself
  128. apprehensive
    • adj.
    • worried, anxious
  129. apocryphal
    • adj.
    • of doubtful or uncertain origin
  130. animated
    • adj.
    • alive, lively
  131. amiable
    • adj.
    • friendly, pleasant
  132. ambulatory
    • adj.
    • able to walk
  133. ambivalent
    • adj.
    • undecided; wavering between alternatives
  134. aesthetic
    • adj.
    • having to dowl art or artistic beauty or sensibility
  135. acute
    • adj.
    • sharp, shrewd
  136. abstract
    • adj.
    • theoretical or laking substence
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Adjectives only