Vocab semester 1

  1. ameliorate
    to become better, make better, improve, enhance
  2. amelioration
  3. conserve
    keep from waste, loss or decay, save
  4. conservation
    preservation from loss, injury, or waste
  5. conservationist
    one who advocates the conservation of natural resources
  6. detriment
    injury, damage, or something that causes it, disadvantage
  7. detrimental
    harmful, damaging
  8. exotic
    • 1, introduced from another country, foreign
    • 2. strikingly unusual, strange
  9. folly
    lack of good sense, foolish action or undertaking
  10. formerly
    in an earlier period, previously
  11. former
    preceding, previous
  12. harmony
    peaceable or friendly relations, accord, agreement, tranquillity, concord
  13. harmonious
    friendly, amicable
  14. ignore
    refuse to take notice of, disregard
  15. ignoramus
    ignorant, stupid person, dunce, dolt, dullard, nincompoop
  16. impediment
    something that hinders or obstructs, hinderance, obstacle
  17. impede
    interfere with or slow the progress of, hinder, obstruct
  18. indolent
    disposed to avoid exertion, lazy, idle, lethargic
  19. indolence
    idleness, laziness
  20. intact
    untouched by anything that damages or diminishes, left complete or entire, uninjured
  21. invalid (adj)
    not binding in law, having no force or effect,, void, nugatory
  22. invalidate
    abolish, annul
  23. invalid (n)
    sickly or disabled person
  24. noncarcinogenic
    not producing, or tending to produce, cancer
  25. parsimonious
    unduly sparing in the spending of money, stingy, misery, tightfisted
  26. parsimony
  27. raze
    destroy utterly by tearing down
  28. reticent
    incline to be silent or more secretive, uncommunicative, reserved
  29. reticence
    restraint in communicating
  30. retire
    • 1. withdraw from active duty or business
    • 2. go to bed
  31. retort (v)
    answer, reply sharply or angrily
  32. retort (n)
    quick, witty, or sharp reply, answer
  33. subvert
    overturn or overthrow from the foundation, undermine
  34. subversion
    sabotage, undermining
  35. tractable
    easily led, taught, or controlled, yielding, docile, amenable
  36. tractibility
  37. baffle
    bewilder, perplex, fill with confusion, puzzle, frusterate
  38. baffling
    frustrating, bewildering
  39. cinema
    movies, motion-picture industry
  40. cinematography
    art of making motion pictures
  41. despise
    look down on with contempt or disgust, loathe, regard as inferior
  42. despicable
    worthy of contempt, contemptible
  43. ebullient
    overthrowing with enthusiasm, exuberant, effervescent, high-spirited, vivacious
  44. ebullience
  45. exaggerate
    overstate, go beyond the limits of the actual truth, magnify
  46. exaggeration
  47. exhort
    arouse by words, advise strongly, urge
  48. exhoration
    urgent recommendation or advice
  49. epertise
    specialized skill or technical knowledge, know-how, expertness
  50. fincky
    excessively concerned with trifles or details, hard to please, fussy, particular, fastidious, persnickety
  51. gall (v)
    make sore, irritate mentally, annoy, vex
  52. gall (n)
    brazen boldness, nerve
  53. inane
    lacking significance or sense, pointless, silly, insipid, jejune, vapid
  54. inanity
    foolishness, shallowness
  55. indemnify
    compensate for loss, damage, or injury, reimburse, repay
  56. Occident
    west, countries of America and Europe
  57. occidental
  58. peruse
    read, look at fairly attentively, study
  59. perusal
    reading, study
  60. scuffle (v)
    struggle at close quarters in a rough and confused manner, wrestle, grapple
  61. scuffle (n)
    brawl, fight
  62. spurn
    thrust aside with disdain or contempt, reject
  63. stipend
    fixed pay for services, salary, regular allowance awarded a scholarship winner
  64. surveillance
    close watch over a person, group or area, supervision
  65. tepid
    moderately warm, lukewarm
  66. tepidly
    unenthusiastic, lukewarmly
  67. wager (v)
    risk (something) on the outcome of a contest or uncertain event, gamble, bet
  68. wager (n)
  69. wane
    decrease in power or size, dwindle, decline, sink
  70. abhorent
    in conflict utterly opposed, loathsome, repugnant, odious, abominable
  71. abhore
    utterly detest, loathe, hate
  72. admonish
    reprove gently but seriously, warn of a fault, caution
  73. admonition
    gentle warning, friendly reproof
  74. ambrosial
    extremely pleasing to taste or smell, delicious, like ambrosia (the food of the gods) heavenly
  75. confine
    shut up, imprison, keep in narrow, cramped quarters
  76. confinement
  77. decade
    period of ten years
  78. detonate
    explode with suddenness and violence, cause (something) to explode
  79. detonation
  80. ephemeral
    lasting one day only, fleeting, transitory, short-lived, transient
  81. gullible
    easily deceived or cheated, credulous
  82. gull
    deceive, cheat
  83. haggle
    dispute or argue over a price in a petty way, bargain, wrangle
  84. immerse
    • 1. plunge or place into a liquid, dip, duck
    • 2. engross, absorb
  85. immersion
    state of being deeply engrossed, absorption
  86. insomnia
    inability to sleep, abnormal wakefulness, sleeplessness
  87. insomniac
    person suffering from lack of sleep
  88. lapse (n.)
    • 1. slip error, accidental mistake, trivial fault
    • 2. interval ex: time
  89. lapse (v.)
    cease being in force, become invalid
  90. probe
    critical inquiry into suspected illegal activity, investigation
  91. prober
  92. render
    hand down officially, deliver (as a verdict), give
  93. rendering
    presentation, interpretation
  94. repast
    food for one occasion of eating, meal
  95. replenish
    bring back to condition of being full, refill
  96. score
    group or set of twenty, twenty
  97. snub (n.)
    act or instance of snubbing (treating with contempt), slight
  98. snub (v.)
    to treat with disdain or contempt, to slight
  99. suture
    strand of fiber used to sew parts of the living body, also stitch made with such material
  100. unwittingly
    (ADVERB!!!!!) unintentionally, by accident, inadvertently, unknowingly
  101. acquit
    • 1, to relieve from an accusation, pronounce not guilty, to discharge, exculpate, exonerate
    • 2. to perform one's part, conduct oneself
  102. acquittal
    an exculpation, a discharge
  103. complex
    having varied interrelated parts, and therefore hard to understand, complicated, intricate
  104. complexity
    difficulty, intricacy
  105. consign
    give, transfer, or deliver, as if by signing over, hand over, commit
  106. consignee
    person whom something is shipped
  107. effrontery
    shameless boldness, insolence, gall, temerity, nerve, chutzpah
  108. excruciating
    causing great pain or anguish, agonizing unbearably painful
  109. forbearance
    act of refraining, abstaining, leniency, patience
  110. hamper
    interfere with, hinder, impede
  111. nettlesome
    literally full of nettles, irritating, causing annoyance or vexation
  112. oblivious
    forgetful, unmindful, not aware, unwitting
  113. oblivion
    condition of being forgotten or unknown, forgetfulness
  114. prodigious
    extraordinary in amount or size, enormous, gigantic, huge, colossal
  115. prodigy
    a person with extraordinary talent or ability, wonder
  116. rejuvenate
    make young or youthful again, give new vigor to, reinvigorate, refresh
  117. residue
    what ever is left after a part is taken, disposed of, or gone, remainder, the rest of
  118. residual
    remaining after a part is taken or used
  119. salutary
    favorable to heallth, healthful, curative, beneficial
  120. scrutinize
    examine very closely, inspect, vet
  121. scrutiny
    examination, investigation, review
  122. supersede
    force out of use, displace, supplant, replace
  123. sweltering
    oppressively hot, torrid, sultry
  124. swelter
    suffer from oppressive heat
  125. unruffled
    not upset or agitated, calm, cool, unflustered, imperturbable, collected
  126. unwieldy
    hard to handle because of size or weight, unmanageable, bulky, cumbersome
  127. unweildiness
  128. withdraw
    • 1, take back, remove
    • 2. to draw back, go away, to retreat, leave
  129. withdrawal
    • 1. taking back and removal
    • 2. drawing back, a retreat, a departure
  130. zany (adj)
    having the characteristics of a clown, mildly insane, crazy, clownish, loony
  131. zany (n.)
    a clown or buffoon
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Vocab semester 1
Vocabulary for the college-Bound Student: semester 1 freshman vocab