Anatomy 1 Lecture 4 - Posterior Shoulder, Deltoid Region

  1. Where is the subscapular fossa? (Just visualize the area.) Name the muscle found in that fossa and the OINA
    • The subscapularis.
    • O: Subscapular Fossa
    • I: The lesser head of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
    • N: Upper and lower Subscapular n. (these two nerves are split by the thoracodorsal n on the posterior cord before the axillary brach braches of and it becomes the radial nerve.
    • A: Medially rotate the humerus.
  2. Where is the Supraspinous fossa? Name the muscle found in that fossa and the OINA
    • The Supraspinatus
    • O: The supraspinus fossa
    • I: The superiorfacet of the greater tubercle of the humerus (One of three of the rotator cuff muscles that attaches to the greater
    • head of the tubercle. Also the infraspinatus and the teres minor. The subscapularis is the only rotator cuff muscle that attaches to the lesser tubercle.
    • N: The suprascapular n. (the suprascapular n. braches of the C5 ventral rami after the dorsal scapualr n. branches of, both before the C5 joins with the C6 to form the upper trunk.)
    • A: Abduction of the humerus and helps hold the head of the humerus into place.
  3. Where is the infraspinous fossa? Name the muscle found in that fossa and the OINA
    • The infraspinatus.
    • O: The infraspinous fossa.
    • I: The medial facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
    • N: The supraspinatus nerve (which passes through the supraspinatus foramen and also innervates the supraspinatus)
    • A: Lateral Rotation of the humerus
  4. Where is the root of the spine of the scapula?
    I can't think of anything significant for this section of the scapula at the time. But good job on picturing where it is located.
  5. Wich muscles attach at the acromion process? OINA
    • Deltoid
    • O: Lateral 3rd of clavicle, acromion, and Spine of scapula.
    • I: Deltoid Tuberosity
    • N: Axillary n.
    • A: Anterior part - Flexion and medial rotation. Middle - Abduction.
    • Posterior - Extension lateral rotation. (Posterior is the part that
    • originates on the spine of the scapula)

    • Trapezius
    • O: occipital protuberance, nuchal ligamnet and C7-T12
    • I: Medial 3rd of the spine of scapula, lateral 3rd of clavicle and
    • acromion
    • N: Accessory n. or cranial nerve VI
    • A: upper-Elevate scapula middle-retract scapula lower-depress.
  6. Where is the Acromion? What other bones does it articulate with? What are the 3 types of acromions? Which creates the greatest likelihood of problems?
    • The acromial end of the clavicle.
    • Type 1: Flat
    • Type 2: Curved
    • Type 3: Hook
    • The hooked type.
  7. Where is the glenoid fossa? Which bone articulates with the glenoid fossa? What fibro-catilagenous tissues surrounds the outside of the glenoid fossa?
    • The head of the humerus.
    • The Labrum, which helps to deepen the relatively small and shallow glenoid fossa.
  8. Where is the coracoid process? Which muscles attach to it adn what nerves innervate those muscles? And their basic actions.
    • The coracobrachialis (musculocutaneous n.) (helps fles and adduct the arm (humerus)
    • The short head of the biceps brachii (Musculocutaneous n.) (Flex and supinate forearm, help resist dislocation of the humeral head from the glenoid fossa)
    • The pectorails minor (medial pectoral n.) (stabilize scapula)
  9. Where is the Suprascapular notch? What passes through it? What passes above it?
    • The suprascapular nerve passes through it to innervate the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus. The suprascauplar a. passes above it to supply the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus. It then anastomoses with the circumflex scapular artery (which can be
    • seen in the triangular space ) and the dorsal scapular artery
  10. Where is the Superior angle of the scapula? Which muscle attaches at this area? OINA
    • The levator scapula
    • O: Posterior xverse process of C1-C4
    • I: The superior medial border of the scapula on the posterior side
    • N: Dorsal Scapula
    • A: Elevate the scapula and tilt the glenoid inferiorly

    • Serratus Anterior
    • O: Ribs 1-9
    • I: Medial border of the scapula (just a little bit at the superior angle.)
    • N: Long Thoracic
    • A: Protrat the scapula, and rotates upward.
  11. Where is the Inferior angle of the scapula? What muscles attaches there?
    • The teres major
    • O: Posterior surface of the inferior angle of scapula
    • I: The medial lip of intertubercular groove of the humerus
    • N: Lower subscapular n.
    • A: Aduct and medially rotate the humerus
  12. Where is the scapular spine? Which muscles attach on there? and OINA
    • Deltoid
    • O: Lateral 3rd of clavicle, acromion, and Spine of scapula.
    • I: Deltoid Tuberosity
    • N: Axillary n.
    • A: Anterior part - Flexion and medial rotation. Middle - Abduction. Posterior - Extension lateral rotation. (Posterior is the part that originates on the spine of the scapula)

    • Trapezius
    • O: occipital protuberance, nuchal ligamnet and C7-T12
    • I: Medial 3rd of the spine of scapula, lateral 3rd of clavicle and acromion
    • N: Accessory n. or cranial nerve VI
    • A: upper-Elevate scapula middle-retract scapula lower-depress.
  13. Where is the supraglenoid tubercle? Which muscles attach to it? OINA
    • Biceps Brachii (The Long head)
    • O: Supraglenoid tubercle
    • I: Radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeuroisis
    • N: Musculocutaneous
    • A: Flex and supinate the forearm.
    • Tendon of long head runs through the bicipital or intertubercular groove.
  14. Where is the infraglenoid tubercle? Which muscles attach here? OINA
    • Triceps Brachii
    • O: Long head-infraglenoid tubercle. Short head-inferior to the radial groove. Lateral head-superior to radial groove.
    • I: Olecranon process and forearm fascia
    • N: Radial n.
    • A: Extend forearm (Lond head resist dislaction of humerus during adduction)
  15. Where is the suprascapular ligament?
    Spans the suprascapular notch
  16. Where is the Spinoglenoid notch? What runs through there?
    The suprascapular n. and a. to innervate and supply the infraspinatus. The a. the anestomoses with the circumflex scaular and dorasl scapular a.
  17. Where are the lateral and medial border of the scapula? Which muscles attach on these areas?
    • Rhomboid Major and Minor
    • Teres Major and Minor
    • Seratus Anterior
  18. What are the three functions of the clavicle?
    • 1. Act as a strut to allow for free motion of the upper limb
    • 2. Provide muscle attachment sites
    • 3. Transmit force from the upper limb to the axial skeleton
  19. What are some land marks on the clavicle?
    Acromial end, Sternal end, Conoid tubercle, Shaft, Groove for subclavian, attachment for costal clavicular ligament (on the sternal end).
  20. With which bones does the humerus articulate?
    Scapula, Ulna, Radius
  21. Where is the head? the Neck? the Anatomical Neck? h The lateral supracondylar ridge? the Medial supracondylar ridge? the lateral epicondyle? the medial epicondyle? the coronoid fossa? the radial fossa? the olecranon fossa? thecapitulum? the trochlea?
    • :) You got it! If not, go look at some pictures. Also try to picture which muscles attach where.
    • the greater tubercle: Long head of bicep
    • the lesser tubercle: Long head of tricep
    • The intertubecular groove: tendon of long head of bicep
    • the deltoid tuberosity: deltoid
    • the radial groove: superior Lateral head of tricep, inferior short head of tricep
  22. Deltoid OINA
    • O: Lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula.
    • I: Deltoid Tuberosity
    • N: Axillary N
    • A: Anterior part: Flexes and medially rotates the humerus. Middle Part: abducts the humerus. Posterior part extens and laterally rotates the humerus.
    • *Posterior to the deltoid runs the posterior humeral circumflex a. and the axillary n.
  23. Teres Major OINA
    • O: Dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula
    • I: Medial lip of the intertubercualr groove of the humerus
    • N: Lower subscapular n.
    • A: Adducts and medially rotates, extends the arm
  24. Which muscles are the rotator cuff muscles?
    Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis, and the Teres Minor
  25. Supraspinatus OINA
    • O: Supraspinatus fossa of the scapula
    • I: Greater tubercle of the humerus, superior facet.
    • N: Suprascapular n.
    • A: Abducts the arm and assist with humerus postion within the glenois fossa.
  26. Infraspinatus OINA
    • O: Infraspinatus fossa of scapula
    • I: Greater tubercle of the humerus, middle facet
    • N: Suprascapular n.
    • A: Lateral rotator
  27. Teres Minor OINA
    • O: Superior part of the lateral border of the scapula
    • I: Greater tubercle of the humerus, inferior facet
    • N: Axillary n.
    • A: Lateral Rotator
  28. Subscapularis OINA
    • O: Subscapular fossa
    • I: lesser tubercle of the humerus
    • N: Upper and lower subscapular n.
    • A: Medially rotates and adducts
  29. What are the three major spaces?
    Quadrangular space. Triangular space. Triangular Interval
  30. What are the borders of the quadrangular space?
    • Long head of the tricep - Medial
    • Teres Major - Inferior
    • Teres Minor - Superior
    • Humerus - Lateral
  31. What are the contents of the quadrangular space?
    • Axillary n.
    • Posterior humeral circumflex a.
  32. Where does the axillary n. pass?
    the quadrangular space
  33. Where does the posterior humeral circumflex artery pass?
    The quadrangular space
  34. What are the borders of the triangular space?
    • Teres major - Inferior
    • Teres minor - Superior
    • Long head of the triceps brachii - Lateral border
  35. What are the contents of the triangular space?
    The circumflex scapular artery
  36. Where does the circumflex scapular artery pass?
    Through the triangular space.
  37. What are the borders of the triangular interval?
    • The long head of the triceps brachii - Medial
    • The lateral head of the triceps brachii - Lateral
    • The teres major - Superior
  38. What passes through the triangular interval?
    The radial nerve and the profunda brachii a.
  39. Where does the radial n. pass, as far as spaces goes?
    The triangular interval
  40. Where does the profunda brachii a. pass?
    Triangular interval.
  41. Describe the anatomy of the suprascapular n. and a. at the suprascapular notch.
    The suprascapular notch is covered posteriorly by the suprascapular ligament to for the suprascapular foramen. The suprascapular n. passes through the supra scapular foramen, while the suprascapular a. pass aboce the suprascapular ligament.
  42. What muscles does the suprascapular n. innervate?
    The supraspintus and infraspinatus muscles.
  43. Which muscles does the supraspinatus a. supply?
    The supraspinatus and infraspinatus. It then anastomoses with the circumflex scapular artery (which can be seen in the triangular space) and the dorsal scapular artery
  44. Which vertebrea is the spine of the scapula level with?
    T4 transverse process.
  45. What attaches to the lateral 3rd of the clavicle?
    The deltoid, specifically the anterior part.
  46. What divides the deltoid and the pectoralis major?
    The delto-pectoral trough. The cephalic vein rest here and drains into the subclavian vein.
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Anatomy 1 Lecture 4 - Posterior Shoulder, Deltoid Region
UNLV DPT 744 Gross Anatomy 1 Lecture 4 - Posterior Shoulder, Deltoid Region