History of Art Final Exam Terms

  1. Altarpiece
    a panel, painted or sculpted, situated above and behind a church altar
  2. Cloister
    a monastery courtyard, usually with covered walks or ambulatories along its sides
  3. Folio
    a page of manuscript or book (from gospels too)
  4. Humanism
    in the renaissance, an emphasis on educationand on expanding knowledge, the exploration of individual potential and a desire to excel, and a commitment to civic responisbility or moral duty.
  5. Parchment
    lambskin prepared as a surface for painting or writing.
  6. Rose Window
    a circular stained glass window
  7. Catacombs
    subterranean networks or rock cut galleries and chambersdesigned as cemeteries for the burial of the dead.
  8. Chiaroscuro
    in drawing or painting, the treatment and use of light and dark, especially the gradations of light that produce the effect of modeling
  9. Christogram
    the three initial letters (Chi-rho-iota) of christs name in greek, which came to serve as a monogram for christ.
  10. Codex
    seperate pages of vellum or parchment bound together at one side; the predecessor of the modern book. The codex superseded the rotulus.
  11. Contraposto
    the dispostion of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition to another part, creating a counterpositioning of the body about its central axis. Sometimes caled "weight shift" cecause the weight of the body tends to be thrown to one foot, creating tension on one side and relaxation on the other.
  12. Baptistery
    in Christian architecture, the building used for baptism, usually situated next to a church. Also, the designated area or hal withina church for baptismal rites.
  13. Fresco
    painting on lime plaster, either dry (seco) or wet (buon). In the buon style the pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the freshly laid lime plaster.
  14. Gospels
    the four New Testament books that relate the life and teachings of Jesus.
  15. Hieratic
    an artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance.
  16. Illumination
    a luxurious handmade book with painted illustrations and decorations.
  17. Maneria Greca
    Italian, "Greek manner" The Italo-Byzantine painting style of the 13th Century
  18. Module
    a basic unit of which the dimensions of the major parts of a work are multiples. The principle is used in sculpture and other art forms, but it is most often employed in architecture, where the module may be the dimensions of an important part of a building, such as the diameter of a column.
  19. Tempera
    a technique of painting using pigment mixed with egg yolk, glue, or casein; also, the medium itself.
  20. Vellum
    calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting.
  21. Basilica
    in Roman architecture, a pubic building for legal and other civic proceedings, rectangular in plan with an entrance usually on a long side. In Christian architecture, a church somewhat resembling the Roman basilica, usually entered from one end and with an apse at the other.
  22. Scriptorium
    the writing studio of a monastery.
  23. Perspective (linear, atmospheric)
    Linear-all parallel lines or surface edges converge on one, two or three vanishing points located wiith reference to the eye level of the viewer (horizon line of the picture) and associated objects are rendered smaller the farther from the viewer they are intended to seem

    Atmospheric-the illusion of distance by the greater diminution of color intensity, the shift in color toward an almost neutral blue, and the blurring of contours as the intended distance between eye and object increases.
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History of Art Final Exam Terms
List of terms for history of art final exam