
  1. What is the only diuretic that increases Ca absorption from the nephron?
    Thiazide diuretics
  2. What is the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that causes hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis NH3 toxicity and sulfa allergies?
  3. Mycolic acid synthesis inhibition is a function of which Anti-TB drug?
  4. Optic neuropathy is a important side effect of?
  5. Ethambutol exerts its antimycobacterial effect by inhibiting?
    • Carbohydrate polymerization.
    • It inhibits arabinosyl transferase, an enzyme that polymerizes arabinose into arabinan and then arabinogalactan.
  6. Hepatotoxicity and peripheral neuropathy are important adverse reactions for this Anti-TB drug:
  7. In children, this drug is associated with inflammation of the Achilles tendon and tendon rupture:
  8. This antibiotic in the fluoroquinolone family is associated with hypoglycemia:
  9. Ebstein's anomaly in infants in utero is characterized by:
    • apical displacement of the tricuspid valve leaftlets
    • increased volume of the right ventricle
    • atrialization of the right ventricle
  10. Ebstein's anomaly is associated with which drug?
    Lithium - bipolar disorder
  11. Fetal macrosomia, caudal regression syndrome, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are all found in infants whose mother had:
    Gestational diabetes
  12. Withdrawal symptoms (irritability, diarrhea, vomiting) in the infant upon delivery are signs of:
    Narcotic abuse in the mother
  13. Midfacial anomalies, growth retardation, and mental retardation in a neonate are signs of:
    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  14. What hypolipidemic agent increases blood triglyceride levels?
    Bile acid-binding resins
  15. Significant sinus bradycardia and hypotension occur when what two drugs are used in combination?
    Beta-blockers & non-dihydropyridine-type calcium channel blockers (verapamil, diltiazem)
  16. Increase in bradykinin and decrease in Angiotensin II levels are functions of?
    ACE inhibitors
  17. Profound systemic hypotension can be found in patients who are taking a combination of:
    Nitrates and PDE inhibitors
  18. What drug inhibits squalene-2,3-epoxidase?
    Terbinafine - used to reat dermatophytoses by decreasing synthesis of ergosterol
  19. Synthesis of 1,3-beta-D-glucan, a component of the fungal cell wall, is blocked by?
  20. Isonazid is chemically similar to what vitamin?
    Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine
  21. Capsaicin is able to reduce pain by decreasing the level of what in the peripheral nervous system?
    Substance P
  22. Additional of what drug to the standard therapy for heart failure patients will improve their overall survival?
  23. Orthostatic hypotension is a common side effect of:
    Alpha adrenergic blockers - prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin
  24. In a patient with stable angina, nitrate has what main effect?
    Decrease cardiac preload, by causing venodilating to retain blood in the venous system.
  25. Lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus affects which part of the nephron?
    Collecting duct, by inhibiting the ability of ADH to bind to its receptors
  26. AV block and ventricular tacharrhythmias with hyperkalemia are common symptoms of this drug toxicity:
  27. What drugs prolong the action potential in cardiac muscle cells?
    Class IA antiarrhythmics - disopyramide
  28. What drugs shorten phase 3 repolarization in cardiac myocytes?
    Class IB antiarrhythmic - Lidocaine
  29. What drug has the prominent effect of drastically slowing the sodium-mediated phase 0 depolarization of the ventricular myocyte action potential?
    Class IC antiarrhythmic - flecainide
  30. What are the Class IA antiarrhymthics?
    Quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide
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