Erythema Toxicum (neonate)
gone in days
- Erythema Multiforme -- Different sized lesions
- - Drugs (penicillin, NSAIDS..)
- - recurrent = HERPES simples
- Stevens johnson syndrome
- - herpes
Psoriasis Salmon pink w/ silvery scale
Dx: KOH test rule out fungal
Tx: topical tar, corticosterods
Pityriasis Rosea - Herald patch "christmas tree"
- young adults, spring n fall
Dx: RPR to rule out syphilis, KOH rule out fungal
Tx: topical steroids
Atopic Dermatitis - anticubital - Pruritic
IgE sensitivity - atopic triad (ezcema, allergic rhinitis and asthma)
Tx: steroids
Pemphigus Vulgaris -- IgG autoimmune - intraepidermal blisters
- Impetigo - Honey Crusted
- Staph auureus, strep pyogenes
- macrolides (erythro mycin) or penicillins (beta lactam--Gram+ bacteria)
Cellulitis -
- Stap Aureus
- GAS (Group A Strep pyogenes)
- Hib (children)
Penicillin - MRSA -- Vancomycin
Erysipelas -- handling infected food
- GAS (pyogenes)
- - vs cellulitis -- well demarcated
penicillin, cephalosporin, macrolide, vancomycin
Scalet Fever - Stawberry tounge - Sandpaper rash
- - GAS - pyogenes (gram+ cocci)
- - rash on trunk 12-48 hrs AFTER fever starts
Penicillin, macrolides, cephalosporin
Staph Scalded skin syndrome - culture from skin will NOT have pathogen
S. Aureus - release of toxin!!!
Nikolsky sign - lateral spread of bullae
Penicillinase resistant beta lactams - oxicillin or dicloxacillin
- Molluscum contagiosum -- umbillicated peraly papules
- Poxvirus
tx - curettage - cryosurgery
Herpetic whitlow -- DO NOT excise will spread virus
Tinea ( ringworm)
Dx: KOH test reveals hyphae
Tx: Azoles (Imidazole & terbinafine)
Griseofluvin - inhibits mitosis - mitrotuble blocker - ELEVATES LTFS
Candida - Thrush
-- Topical Azole (fungal) -- metronidazole
Scabies - female mites
threadlike burrows
no transmission after 24hrs
Sebacious hyperlasia - shiny yellow papules
Milia - white papules on face vs acne neonatoroum...
- Rubella ( german measles)
- Pink macules and papules on:
- 1st face--- 24hr spread to body
Measles - Paramyxovirus Kopliks spots
Erythematous macules and pappules along hairline; subsequent desquamation
After a prodrome of fever (over 101 F), cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis, this maculopapular rash starts on the neck, behind the ears, and along the hairline. It spreads downward, - and reaches the feet in 2-3 days. Immunization is very effective in preventing this infection.
- Hand, foot and mouth disease - painful ulcers
- (Cox-sack A virus)
Rocky mountain spotted fever -blanchable macules -perpherally on wrists 1st!-- spreads to trunk
-- Rickettsia
- Erythema Infectiousum - Slapped cheeks
- 5th disease
- parvovirus B19
- Meningococcemia - Discreae pink macules, papules and petechiae
- Nisseria meningitidis
Gonococcemia - Erythematous maculoes Arms and Legs
painful, hemorhagic
Nisseria gonorrhea (gram negative) - ampicillin and amoxicillin have better gram - coverage for beta lactams
Primary syphilis - Button like
Treponema Pallidum
2ndary syphilis
Treponema pallidum
Tertiary syphilis _ brown firm plaques
treponema pallidum - penicillin (beta lactam)
Lyme disease - anular plaque
Borelia burgdorferi
Kawaski disease - Erythematous macules and plaques - last 12 days
- Kawasaki stocking glove desquamation
- - Bilateral Conjuctivitis
- -red, cracked lips
- - strwberry tounge
- - rash (trunk)
- Roseola
- This macular or maculopapular rash
- starts on the trunk and spreads to the arms and neck. There is
- usually less involvement of the face and legs. The rash is preceded
- by 3-4 days of high fevers, which end as the rash appears. It is
- usually seen in children less than 2 years old.
- Varicella
- The rash starts on the trunk and spreads to the extremities and head. Each lesion progresses from an
- erythematous macule to papule to vesicle to pustule, and then crusts over. Lesions at various stages of development are seen in the same area of the body. There is usually a mild fever. The disease is self-limited, lasting about 1 week.