1. ab, abs
    • from, away from
    • ex: abduct (lead away, kidnap)
  2. ad, ac, af, ag, an, ap, ar, as, at
    • to, forward
    • ex: admit (allow entrance)
  3. ambi
    • both
    • ex: ambiguous (double meaning)
  4. an, a
    • without
    • ex: amoral (without moral sense)
  5. ante
    • before
    • ex: antecedent (preceding event or word)
  6. anti
    • against, opposite
    • ex: antibiotics(against the germs and diseases)
  7. arch
    • chief, first
    • ex: archetype(original)
  8. be
    • over, thoroughly
    • ex:befuddle(confuse thoroughly)
  9. bi
    • two
    • ex: bicycle(two-wheeled vehicle)
  10. cata
    • down
    • ex: cataract(waterfall)
  11. circum
    • around
    • ex: circumference(around the circle)
  12. com, co, col, con, cor
    • with, togeter
    • ex: combine(merge with)
    • communicate(correspond with)
  13. contra, contro
    • against
    • ex: controversy(dispute)
  14. de
    • down, away
    • ex: decant(pour off)
  15. demi
    • partly, half
    • ex: demigod(half human half god)
  16. di
    • two
    • ex: dilemma(choise between two bad alternatives)
  17. dia
    • across
    • ex: diagonal(across a figure)
    • diameter(distance across a circle)
  18. dis, dif
    • not, apart
    • ex: differ(disagree)
  19. dys
    • faulty, bad
    • ex: dyslexia(faulty ability to read)
  20. ex, e
    • out
    • ex: eject(throw out)
  21. extra, extro
    • beyond, outside
    • ex: extracurriculum(beyond the curriculum)
  22. hyper
    • above; excessively
    • ex: hyperbole(exaggeration)
  23. hypo
    • beneath; lower
    • ex: hypoglycemia(low blood sugar)
  24. in, il, im, ir (1)
    • not
    • ex:inefficient(not efficient)
  25. in, il, im, ir (2)
    • in, on, upon
    • ex: invite(call in)
    • impression(effect upon mind or feelings)
  26. inter
    • between, among
    • ex: international(between nations)
  27. intra, intro
    • within
    • ex: intramural(within a school)
  28. macro
    • large, long
    • ex:
  29. mega
    • great, million
    • ex: macrocosm(the great world)
  30. meta
    • involving change
    • ex: metamorphosis(change of form)
  31. micro
    • small
    • ex:microscopic(extremely small)
  32. mis (1)
    • bad, improper
    • ex: mischance(unfortunate accident)
  33. mis (2)
    • hatred
    • ex: misogynist(woman-hater)
  34. mono
    • one
    • ex: monarchy(government by one ruler)
  35. multi
    • many
    • ex:multiplayer(lots of player)
  36. neo
    • new
    • ex:neophyte(beginner; novice)
  37. non
    • not
    • ex: noncommittal(undecided)
  38. ob, oc, of, op
    • against
    • ex: offend(insult)
  39. olig
    • few
    • ex: oligarchy(government by a few)
  40. pan
    • all, every
    • ex: panorama(unobstructed view in all directions)
  41. para
    • beyond, related
    • ex: parallel(similar)
    • paraphrase(restate; translate)
  42. per
    • through, completely
    • ex: pervade(spread out)
  43. peri
    • around, near
    • ex: perimeter(outer boundary)
  44. poly
    • many
    • ex: polygot(speaking several languages)
  45. post
    • after
    • ex: postpone(delay)
  46. pre
    • before
    • ex: prefix(word part placed before a root/stem)
  47. prim
    • first
    • ex: primordial(existing at the dawn of time)
  48. pro
    • forward, in favor of
    • ex: proponent(supporter)
  49. proto
    • first
    • ex: prototype(first of its kind)
  50. pseudo
    • false
    • ex:pseudonym(false name)
  51. re
    • again, back
    • ex: reiterate(repeat)
  52. retro
    • backward
    • ex: retroactive(effective as of a past date)
  53. se
    • away, aside
    • ex: seclude(shut away)
  54. semi
    • half, partly
    • ex: semiconscious(partly conscious)
  55. sub, suc, suf, sug, sup, sus
    • under, less
    • ex: subway(underground road)
  56. super, sur
    • over, above
    • ex: supervise(oversee)
    • supernatural(above natural things)
  57. syn, sym, syl, sys
    • with, together
    • ex: system(network)
  58. tele
    • far
    • ex: telegraphic(communicated over a distance)
  59. trans
    • across
    • ex: transport(carry across)
  60. ultra
    • beyond, excessive
    • ex: ultramordern(excessively modern)
  61. un
    • not
    • ex: unwitting(not knowing; unintentional)
  62. under
    • below
    • ex: underling(someone inferior)
  63. uni
    • one
    • ex: united(to become one nation)
  64. vice
    • in place of
    • ex: vice president(in place of the president)
  65. with
    • away, against
    • ex: withhold(hold back; keep)
Card Set
Prefix from Barron's SAT book p244-248