
  1. Main points of sporulation.
    • Gram positive bact Bacillus are characterized by ability to produce endospores.
    • Important bc of their durability and potential pathogenicity.
    • Endospores are a defensive strategy against hostile or unfavorable conditions, usually when one or more nutrients are in limited supply
  2. The process of sporulation.
    Requires 8-10 hours and goes through seven steps
  3. What are the 8 steps of sporulation?
    • 1. DNA is replicated
    • 2. DNA aligns along cells long axis
    • 3. Cytop mem invaginates to form endospore
    • 4. Cytop mem grows and engulfs forespore w/in a 2nd mem. Veg cells DNA disintegrates.
    • 5. A cortex is deposited btwn the membranes.
    • 6. Spore coat forms around endospore
    • 7. Maturation of endospore; completion of spore coat.
    • 8. Endospore released from original cell.
  4. What makes endospores the most enduring and resistant cells?
    The ability to survive harsh conditions.
  5. What areas are concerned with endospore formation and why?
    Food processors, health care prof, and governments b/c they are resistant to treatments that inhibit other microbes and b/c they can produce deadly toxins that cause fatal diseases.
  6. What are some fatal diseases caused by endospores?
    Anthrax, tetanus, gangrene
  7. How can an endospores state be described and when does this change?
    They are essentially in a state of suspended animation and only come out to germinate when conditions improve.
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Questions about sporulation