
  1. Charcteristics of fungi
    Eukaryotic no photosynthesis have a cell wall
  2. Charact of protozoans
    Single celled; movmnt; mostly live in water
  3. Char of algae
    Unicellular & multicellular, undergo photosynth (need co2 and sunlight
  4. Char of prokaryotes
    No true nucleus
  5. Theoris of the golden age of micro
    • - is apontaneous gen of microbial life possible
    • - what causes feementation
    • - what causes disease
    • - how can disease and infection be prevented
  6. Explain redi's experiment
    Used meat in flask to show spont gen was false
  7. Needham's experiment
    Soup in flask with corked lids and organisms still grew
  8. Spallanzani's experiment
    Hay infusion with opening melted shut. Broke seal and microbes grew. Disproved spon gen
  9. Pasteur's experiment
    Main one to disprove spon gen. Uses heat infusion with a swan flask
  10. List products developed from bacteria.
    Cheese, alcohol, vinegar, yogurt, sour cream, bread
  11. Who is responsible for germ theory
  12. Define etiology
    Study of the cause of a disease
  13. List the four postulates of Robert Koch
    • - agent must be present in every case and absent from every healthy case
    • - amb isolated and grown outside the host
    • - amb introduced into a healthy host and develop the disease.
    • - amb reisolated from infected host
  14. Contribution of Semmelweis
    Awareness to germ transmission prevention
  15. Lister
    Ideas of antiseptics
  16. Snow
    Public hygiene
  17. Define epidemiology
    Study of spread of diseases in humans
  18. Jenner
    Invented vaccinations and small pox vaccine
  19. Erlich
    Concept of chemotherapy and treatments for syphillis
  20. Define bioterrorism
    Use of viruses, bacteria, fungi or other to toxins for threating or harmful purposes
  21. Define defferential stain
    a substance used to impart color to tissues or cells, to facilitate microscopic study and identification
  22. What is microscopy?
    The use of light or electrons to magnify objects
  23. Define resolution
    Ability to distinguish btwn objects that are close together
  24. Define contrast
    Ability to distinguish bwtn an object and its background
  25. Why is oil immersion used
    It prevents the scattering of light
  26. Scanning electron microscope
    Electrons pass over object for an external view
  27. Transmission electron microscope
    Electrons pass through the specimen giving an internal view
  28. Why do org use nutrients?
    Energy, building molecules, build maintain cell structures
  29. Def autotroph
    Feed themselves co2
  30. Heterotroph
    Get carbons from proteins, cho's, aa's, fa's
  31. Chemotrophs
    Energy from chemicals
  32. Phototrophs
    Energy from light
  33. Psychrophiles
    Microbes that can live at cooler temps
  34. Thermophiles
    Microbes that can live at warmer temps
  35. What is uses as a solid medium
  36. What is used as a liquid medium
  37. What is an inoculum?
    It is the sample to be grown (ie E. coli)
  38. Def clinical specimen and give 5 examples
    It is a sample human of human material- blood, urine, feces, saliva, CSF.
  39. Def enviro specimen and give 3 examples
    A sample that comes from the enviro (ponds, streams, soils)
  40. What is selective media
    Selective contains substance that favora growth of certain micros and inhibit growth of unwanted ones
  41. What is differential media?
    Media that contains ingrediants to differentiate btwn diff types of orgs
  42. Why does an agar medium remain solid after bacteria and fungi grow?
    The bacteria eat up the nutrients in the agar leaving it more solid than in the beginning.
  43. Schwann & Scheiden
    Cell theory- all living things are made up of cells
  44. Ribosomes
    Site of protein production
  45. Cytoplasm
    Material in a cell that surround the organelles
  46. Inclusions
    Bag containing lipids, starches, nitrogens, sulfur, phosphorus
  47. Cell membrane
    Allows for the passage of substances in and out of a cell
  48. Genetic material
    Chromosome and DNA
  49. Glycocalyces
    External layer of bacteria used for attachment
  50. Slime layer
    Glcocalyx with a lot of water
  51. Capsule
    Glycocalyx attached to a cell wall that prevents dessication (drying out)
  52. Why do pathogenic bacteria need glycocalyces?
    Acts as camoflauge to hide from white blood cells
Card Set
Questions for test #1