AnP Final Skeletal System

  1. What are the functions of the skeletal system
    Framework for body, protection of internal, allows for movement, storage for calcium, makes blood cells
  2. How many bones are in the skeletal system
  3. Which bones are in the axial skeleton
    • Bones of the skull
    • Spinal cord
    • Sternum
    • rRbs
  4. What bones are in the appendicular skeleton
    Bones of the limbs and limb girdles that are attached to the appendicular skeleton
  5. Bones that are thin, flattened, and usually curved like the bones of the ribs sternum and skull are
    Flat bones
  6. Bones that are typically longer than they are wide, they have a shaft with heads at both ends and make up all the bones of the limbs except wrists and ankles are
    Long bones
  7. Generally cube-shaped bones that make up the bones of the hands and feet also kneecap are
  8. Bones that do not fit in one of the types of bones including vertebrae, and some facial bones are
    irregular bones
  9. What are the two types of bone tissue
    • Spongy-meshwork of small bony plates filled with blood cells ends of long bones and in centers
    • Compact- dense/hard and looks smooth forms the shaft of long bone and covering of other bones
  10. What are the three types of joints and there functions
    • Fibrous/Synarthortic Joins- Immovable joint held together by fibrous connective tissue
    • Cartilagenous/Amphiarthrotic- Slighty moveable joints held together by cartilage
    • Synovial/Diarthrotic- Freely moveable joints which have a joint cavity with synovial fluid
  11. Fibrous connective tissue which attaches bone to bone
  12. Fibrous connective tissue which attaches muscle to bone
  13. What are the movements of synovial joints
    • Flexion
    • Extension
    • Abduction
    • Adduction
    • Supination
    • Pronation
  14. Disorder of bone formation in which bones become porous and brittle due to lack of calcium and collagen
  15. Inflammation of the joints
  16. Wear and tear arthritis
  17. Swelling of the joints
    Rheumatoid arthritis
  18. Crystal deposits around joints
    Gouty Arthritis
  19. Exageration of the thoracic curve (upper back) commonly called hunchback
  20. Abnormal curvature of the lumbar region (lower back) commonly called sway back
  21. Abnormal Lateral curvature of the spine
  22. Fracture in which there is no break in the skin
    Closed Fracture
  23. Fracture in which bone ends penetrate the skin
    Open Fracture
  24. Bone breaks incompletely
    Greenstick Fracture
  25. Broken ends of bones are forced into one another
    Impacted Fracture
  26. Bone splinters and breaks into fragments
  27. Bone is broken by excessive twisting forces
    Spiral Fracture
  28. Rupture or partial tearing of a ligament
  29. Rupture or partial tearing of a tendon
  30. Sudden involuntary muscular contraction
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AnP Final Skeletal System
AnP Final Skeletal System