Vital Signs

  1. What are the 5 measurement sites for pulse
    • Radial pulse
    • Carotid pulse
    • Brachial pulse
    • Temporal pulse
    • Femoral pulse
  2. What are the common causes of hypertension
    • Improper BP measurement techniques
    • Excess sodium intake
    • Excess weight
    • Decrease in exercise
    • Poor diet
    • Increase in alcohol consumption
    • Medications
  3. Temperature over 99.5
  4. Normal rate of respiration of children
    From 16-40/min
  5. The normal rate of respiration of adults
  6. Stage 2 Hypertension
    Greater then 160 Less then 100
  7. Prehypertension
    Sys 120-139 Dia 80-89
  8. Stage 1 Hypertension
    Sys 140-159 Dia 90-99
  9. Pulse rate
    The count of heart beats in a measured time frame
  10. The normal range of pulse of adults
    60-100 bpm
  11. Hyperthermia
    Temperature over 105.8
  12. The normal pulse range of infants
    100-160bpm (130 average)
  13. Orthostatic hypotension
    • Syncope brought on by sudden change from horizontal to vertical, prolonged standing
    • Patients at risk: taking narcotics,tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications
  14. Blood pressure
    The pressure exerted by the blood against arterial walls when the heart contracts
  15. Normal BP reading
  16. Normal temperature
  17. Causes of hypotension
    • Syncope
    • Hypoadrenalism
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Heart failure
    • Anemia
  18. The normal pulse range of children 1-10 years old
    80-120 bpm (90 average)
  19. Vitals
    Very basic indicators of a persons overall health status
  20. The normal pulse range of teens-adults
    60-100bpm (70 average)
  21. Basic vital signs
    • Body temperature
    • Pulse
    • Respiratory rate
    • BP
  22. The normal rate of respiration for infants
  23. The pulse range of athletes
  24. Hypothermia
    Below 96
  25. Pulse
    The intermittent beat of the heart felt through the walls of an artery
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Vital Signs
Vital signs