Budding yeast froms with thick capsules, red on mucicarmine stain in BAL
Red budding yeast with peripheral clearings or "halos" stained with India ink on CSF
Latex agglutination
Cryptococcus neoformans - meningitis and pneumonia in immunocompromised, HIV
- Rarely cutaneous mycosis with papules, pustules, nodules & ulcers
- Pneumonia is granulomatous not interstitial
Oral thrush associated with DM, immunosuppression, antibiotic and steroid treatment
Waterhouse-friderichsen sydnrome with adrenal gland destruction, DIC and shock is a complication of?
N. meningitidis
Most common cause of UTI?
- #1. E. coli
- Also, S. saprophyticus, P. mirabilis, Klebsiella
Most common cause of community acquired lobar pneumonia?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Most common cause of meningitis in adults?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Most common cause of infectious diarrhea in children?
Most common cause of infectious diarrhea in adults?
Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli
Acute endocarditis is most commonly caused by?
S. aureus
Subacute bacterial endocarditis is most commonly caused by?
S. viridans
What is a complication of a Group A stretococcal skin infection?
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
What is a complication of S. aureus skin infection?
bacteremia and acute endocarditis
Most common cause of viral aseptic meningitis:
- Enteroviruses - fecal/oral route
- Examples: coxsackieviruses, echoviruses and polioviruses
They produce insoluble extracellular polysaccharides (dextrans) using sucrose as a substrate and cause dental caries that can lead to endocarditis, deep wound infections, abdominal abscesses and septicemia
Viridans streptococci (S. mutans, S. sanguis)
Anterior uveitis
- Herpes viruses
- syphilis
- Lyme disease
- HLA-B27 related disease
- sarcoid
Migratory polyarthritis
rheumatic fever
hot tub folliculitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Gram-negative, oxidase positive, non-lacotose fermenting, motile rods that produce pigment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Cysteine-tellurite agar
C. diphtheriae - black colonies
Loffler's medium
C. diphtheriae
MacConkey agar
enteric bacteria (restricts gram positive, so mostly gram negatives)
Blood agar containing bile and hypertonic saline
Enterococci - E. faecalis, E. faecium
Blood agar containing bile
nonenterococal Group D streptococci - S bovis, S. equinus
Coxsackie A, Echovirus, Poliovirus, Rhinovirus, Hepatitis A virus are all part of which family?
- Picornaviruses - small RNA-containing viruses
- Mostly acid stable, other than Rhinovirus
Dysuria and hematuria in children in daycare centers
Adenovirus - acute hemorrhagic cystitis
Parotitis, orchitis, and (rarely) aseptic meningitis
Global cause of infantile gastroenterisis
Acute diarrheal illnss during the winter months in US
Epidemics of viral gastroenteritis worldwide
Norwalk virus
Aplastic crisis in patient swith chronic hemolytic disorders
Parvovirus B19
Hydrops fetalis
Parvovirus B19
Swollen, cherry-red epiglottis
H. influenzae
Lecithinase, phospholipase C or alpha toxin is found in
C. perfringens - membrane destruction, cell death and widespread necrosis and hemolysis
Common cuase of urinary tract infections in patiens with indwelling bladder catheters
Enveloped double-stranded DNA virus
Escalating fever with initial diarrhea or constipation followed by hepatosplenomegaly, the formation of "rose spots" on the abdomen, and possible homorrhagic enteritis with bowel perforation are all characteristic of:
Salmonella typhi - typhoid fever
Very high fever in a smoker accompanied by diarrhea, confusion, cough causing chest pain
Legionella pneumophila - gram negative rod, also has hyponatremia
Working with wool is an important risk factor for:
B. anthrax
Antiphagocytic D-gluatmate capsule
B. anthracis
Intracellular polyphosphate granules
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Peritrichous flagella
Proteus mirabilis
Bacillary angiomatosis - red-purple papular skin lesions
Bartonella henselae - cat scratch fever
toxic shock syndrome:fever, vomiting, diarrhea, desquamation, hypotensions
S. aureus
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
E. coli O157:H7
malignant otitis externa
P. aeruginosa
Reiter's syndrome: urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis
- Chlamydia
- Shigella
- salmonella
- Yersinia
- campylobacter infections
condylomata acuminata
Genital warts
Non-enveloped single-stranded DNA virus
Parvovirus B19
Cryptococcus neoformans - treat with?
Amphotericin B
S. epidermidis - treat with:
Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine is first line treatment for:
Most common pathogen causing cystitis and acute pyelonephritis
E. coli
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children
s. aureus
motile Gram-negative rods in colonies that have a "metallic" sheen on eosin methylene Blue agar and demonstrate hemolysis on blood agar
E. coli
virulence factor for UTI E. Coli
fimbrial antigen
virulence factor of neonatal meningitis E. Coli
K-1 capsular antigens
virulenc efactor for enterotoxigenic E. coli
heat stable or heat lible enterotoxins
What factor causes activation of macrophages which leads to widespread relase of IL-1 and TNF alpha?
Lipid A
Sporothrix, Coccidioides, Histoplasma, and Blastomyces are all:
dimorphic fungi - molds at 25-30, and yeast at body temperature
budding yeast with pseudohyphae
cutaneous mycosis with hypopigmented skin patches that produces short hyphae and spores (spaghetti and meatballs) with KOH preparation
Malassezia furfur
Board non-septate hyphae in paranasal infection of DKA patients
Septate hyphae that form V branches
Asperigillus fumigatus
garden prick with round or cigar-shaped budding yeasts
Sporothrix schenchkii
doubly reflective wall with thick-walled spherules filled with endospores
branching hyphae with oval yeast cells within macrophages
Histoplama capsulatum
branching hyphae with large round yeasts with single broad-based bud
Blastomyces dermatitidis
transient recurrent pulmonary infiltrates and eventual proximal bronchiectasis
Aspergillus fumigatus
erythema chronicum migrans
Lyme disease - borrelia burgdorferi