Chapter 5:Cellular Respiration

  1. anaerobic respiration
    doesn't require oxygen. the substrate may be only partly decomposed, releasing less energy, or a nitrogen or sulfur comound may susbtitue for oxygen.
  2. aerobic respiration
    requires oxygen. the oxygen is the oxidizing agent that receives electrons from the decomposed substrates.
  3. glycolysis
    glucose is broken down.
  4. NAD+,NADH
    carry hydrogen in cells.
  5. lactic acid
    produced in lactic-acid fermantaion.occurs in muscle cells
  6. acetyl CoA
    pyruvic acid gets converted in this before the Krebs cycle.
  7. ATP-ADP cycle
    required to start cell respiration and is storing molecule
  8. cytochromes
    ETS consists of a series of easily reduced and oxidized enzymes and other protiens.embedded in the inner membranes of mitochondria.
  9. oxidation
    loss of electrons
  10. reductions
    gain of electrons
  11. Krebs Cycle
    completes the oxidation of glucose to CO2
  12. FAD, FADH2
    energy storing molecule
  13. pyruvic acid
    3-caron compounds
  14. co-enzyme A
    combines with acetate to produce acetly CoA
  15. Electron Transport System
    pruduces a lot of ATP. final step in cell respiration
  16. fermentaion
    anaerobic pathway of cellular respiration that converts pyruvate into either lactic acid or ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide
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Chapter 5:Cellular Respiration