Neuro Vocab

  1. agnosia
    loss of ability to recognize importance of sensory impressions
  2. agraphia
    loss of ability to express thoughts in writing
  3. amnesia
    loss of memory
  4. analgesia
    loss of pain sensation
  5. aphasia
    loss of power of expression by speech, writing, or signs or of comprehension of spoken or written language
  6. apraxia
    loss of ability to perform purposeful movements in the absence of sensory or motor damage, e.g.: inability to use objects correctly
  7. ataxia
    inability to perform coordinated movements
  8. athetosis
    bizarre, slow,twisting, writhing movements resembling a snake or worm
  9. chorea
    sudden rapid, jerky, purposeless movement involving limbs, trunk, or face
  10. clonus
    rapidly alternating involuntary contraction and relaxation of a muscle in response to sudden stretch
  11. coma
    state of profound unconsciousness from which person cannot be aroused
  12. decerebrate rigidity
    arms stuffly extended, adducted, internally rotated' legs stiffly extended, plantar flexed
  13. decorticate rigidity
    arms adducted and flexed, wrists and fingers flexed' legs extended, internally rotated, plantar flexed
  14. dysarthria
    imperfect articulation of speech due to problems of muscular control resulting from central or peripheral nervous system damage
  15. dysphasia
    impairmebt in speech consisting in lack of coordination and inability to arrange words in their proper order
  16. extinction
    disappearance of conditioned response
  17. fasciculation
    rapid continuous twitching of resting muscle without movement fo limb
  18. flaccidity
    loss of muscle tone, limp
  19. graphesthesia
    ability to "read" a number by having it traced on the skin
  20. hemiplegia
    loss of motot power (paralysis) on one ide of the body, usually caused by a cerebrovascular accident' paralysis occurs on the side opposite of lesion
  21. lower motor neuron
    motor neuron in the peripheral nervous system with its nerve fiber extending out to the muscle and only its cell body in the central nervous system
  22. myoclonus
    rapid sudden jerk of muscle
  23. nuchal rigidity
    sitffnes in cervial neck
  24. nystagmus
    back and forth oscillation of the eyes
  25. opisthotonos
    prolonged arching of back, with head and heals bent backward and meningeal irritation
  26. paralysis
    decreased or loss of motor function due to problem with motor nerve or muscle fibers
  27. paraplegia
    impairment or loss of motor function due to problem with motor/sensory function in the lower hapf of the body
  28. paresthesia
    abnormal sensation; tingling, burning, numbness, prickling, crawling
  29. point localization
    ability of the person to discriminate exactly where onthe body the skin has been touched
  30. proprioception
    sensory information concerning body movements and position of the body in space
  31. spasticity
    continous resistance to strectching by a muscle due to abnormally increased tension, with increased deep tendon reflexes
  32. stereognosis
    ability to recognize objects by feeling their forms, sizes and weights while the eyes are closed
  33. tic
    repetitive twitching of a muscle group at inappropriate times; a wink, grimace
  34. tremor
    involuntary contraction of opposing muscle groups resulting in ryhthmic movemenbt of one or more joints
  35. two-point discrimination
    ability to distinguish the separation of two simultaneous pinpricks on the skin
  36. upper motor neuron
    nerve located entrirely whithin the central nervous system
Card Set
Neuro Vocab
ch 23